No going back from the ‘Gates of Hell’ at Wicklow’s haunted jail - see video
No going back from the ‘Gates of Hell’ at Wicklow’s haunted jail - see video
June 7, 2010
Irish Central
Mike Fallon, also known as “The Sandmanâ€, has been scaring the wits out of visitors to Wicklow Jail, one of the most haunted locations in Ireland. Overnight vigils, mediumistic development, paranormal investigations and ghost hunting are leaving tourists and locals, a like white-as-sheets leaving Wicklow Jail.
A former boiler engineer, Fallon he is also the seventh son of a seventh son. In Irish folklore this means that he was born with healing powers. His mother was May Kavanagh, a well known Dublin faith healer and Fallon is not scared in the slightest by paranormal activity.
Though Fallon says that he is unperturbed by the presence of paranormal activity that does not mean that it does not affect him.
"It’s not always about seeing, I also feel the emotions of the spirits and interpret events they experienced hundreds of years ago," he said.
Along with another Irish psychic, Louise Kings, he has managed to profile many of the restless spirits that inhabit the historic Jail.
He described one of the most deep emotional experiences he had with a spirit called Grace. She was just seven-years-old. She had died of gangrene after breaking a leg. She had been living at the Jail with her parent, perhaps during the famine times.
“On our visit last Saturday night, the presence of a child called Grace was very strong. She reacted to my call for her to respond.
"The whole group heard it – three very light, very low knocks. We knew she was there.
"Louise and I first met Grace two years ago on our first visit to the haunted jail in Wicklow. As I walked around I felt something pulling at my clothes. Louise also saw her and felt her presence. On one occasion as Louise was sitting in the area they call the ship, someone took a picture of her.
“When we looked to the picture there was an orb and there was a clear picture of the little girl in the orb."
This Jail has always been thought of as a haunted place. It was opened at the beginning of the 1700s and was closed in the late 1800s. Its earliest prisoner was Fr Owen McFee, (72) a priest. He was incarcerated for celebrating Mass which was contrary to country law at the time.
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