Northeastern Alabama Paranormal Society
Northeastern Alabama Paranormal Society
Northeastern-Alabama Paranormal Society is a group of ethically minded people searching for the truth of the paranormal existence. Our desire is to prove or disprove the presence of spiritual entities or lost souls. We strive to do this through the scientific approach in all our endeavors. Any shared information submitted or shared by NAPS will be held in utmost confidentiality. Your privacy will be respected! Please feel free to contact any member of NAPS.
NAPS will depend upon scientific evidence as its only proof. At certain times NAPS may use "sensitive" experiences. These experiences will be used to only to assist investigators towards a scientific conclusion. These experiences will never be used to determine proof of the presence of haunting/entity. Sensitive evidence will be offered only in conjunction with positive scientific evidence.
NAPS will use the following technologies as available for cases based on particular type of case and location of case. case and location of case.
Visual: NAPS will use digital cameras, 35 mm cameras, traditional camcorders, digital video cameras, surveillance cameras, various thermal imaging devices for evaluation.
Audio: NAPS will use digital recorders to capture audio evidence for evaluation.
Electro Magnetic: NAPS will use thermal measurement devices and geiger counters for electromagnetic evidence for evaluation.
Research: NAPS will do telephone interviews along with in depth research on each case prior to scientific evaluation. None of the information will be disclosed publicly, unless otherwise authorized.
NAPS is required to follow the following procedures:
Investigations: All investigations must concur chronologically to the following procedures. Failure to comply with these procedures, in detail, will result in the dismissal of any evidence or report affected by the failure.
Initial Report: A report once received, whether from an internal or external source, must be evaluated by a committee of no fewer than two NAPS investigators regarding its validity and/or if the event lends itself to a NAPS investigation. If the report passes this consideration, it shall be forwarded for consideration of an investigation to NAPS staff and assigned a case number.
Initial Case Evaluation: Once a case has been submitted to the NAPS staff, several events will occur. First, the case will be investigated, where possible, using public sources such as newspaper archives. Second, the case will be evaluated for inconsistencies or contradictions. Finally, the case will be evaluated for its ability to be investigated by NAPS. Once a case has successfully passed the above tests, it shall be considered for investigation by NAPS.
Case Investigation Consideration: NAPS staff shall consider the case and its relevant parameters for investigation such as personnel availability, equipment availability, site accessibility, location/distance, availability of transportation, and other logistical issues. Once a case has met the requirements for an investigation, it shall become an active case.
Active Case Scheduling: The first thing to be done once a case has been determined to be active, is to attempt to schedule an initial investigation. This includes contacting the source or other involved parties and scheduling a date that is correlated with the availability of NAPS personnel and equipment. Once that has been scheduled, all personnel and equipment shall be collected at the appointed place and time.
Initial Investigation: This investigation will vary with the site, however, NAPS personnel shall at time comply with NAPS rules of conduct. Additionally, the investigation must start and end at the times specified and agreed to by all involved parties. Once completed, all evidence, reports on environment and written reports of occurrences that may have occurred shall be submitted for evaluation.
Post Investigation Evaluation: All original tapes, media and documentation shall be submitted to NAPS staff for evaluation. Evaluations of each individual piece of evidence must be evaluated by at least two people not involved directly in the collection of that particular piece of evidence though a list of details and observations by those who were directly involved may accompany the evidence and be used as a guide. Once evaluated, all evidence considered relevant to the investigation will be turned over for compilation into a final investigation report.
Final Investigation Report: Once all relative evidence has been collected, evaluated and complied, a meeting of no fewer than three members of the NAPS staff shall convene to make a final report of the investigation. They shall evaluate the evidence, background, personal reports and other items related to the case.
Once completed, the final report shall take the following form:
Initial Report: A synopses of the initial report made to NAPS.
Initial Action: A detailed account of all actions are to be taken when considering the report for investigation.
Investigation: A detailed account of the investigation including what was discovered and not discovered, any extenuation circumstances including weather and relevant information, any paranormal occurrences that took place, any explanations for occurrences found during the investigation, etc. and identification of physical evidence related to each occurrence.
Conclusion: A brief statement describing the conclusion reached by NAPS followed by a brief qualifying statement.
Supplements: A listing of time and relation to documented physical evidence of any perceptive evidence that may have occurred as well as brief narratives describing the perceptive evidence.
Reporting: Once the final report has been completed, it shall be disclosed to all related to the incident including condensed, copyrighted, copies of the evidence collected. If done in person by NAPS personnel, responses to any questions can be made and, if it is deemed necessary, a follow-up investigation is recommended for gathering or considering evidence not obtainable at the first investigation. However, unless extenuating circumstances exist, there shall be no more than one follow-up investigation considered.
