Now for the exorcist after haunted house spooks ghostbusters
Now for the exorcist after haunted house spooks ghostbusters
April 2011
Samuel David
This is Hull and East Riding
AS paranormal investigators, they have entered many haunted homes.
But it is not every day they get slapped by spirits or have poltergeists throw remote controls at them.
MAKING CONTACT: Paranormal investigators, from left, Elliott Ainley, Steve Kneeshaw and Kellie Taylor, with Emma Keeitch (in red).
This is what happened to the team who explored an east Hull house this week after claims that a young family had been driven out by a poltergeist.
Now, the experts are drafting in an exorcist to bless the house and rid it of the restless spooks.
Paranormal psychic Steve Kneeshaw said: "I have done many investigations but this is one of the worst ever. It even freaked me out.
"It was a very intense evening and some of what happened was totally bizarre.
"We have done this many times but this is the worst one yet."
Couple Emma Keeitch, 31, and Jamie Owen, 25, left their home with four-month-old daughter Phoebie after waking to find the word 'move' written on the condensation in their bedroom.
The stereo also switched itself off and pictures spun on the wall.
Investigators Elliott Ainley and Kellie Taylor joined Mr Kneeshaw at the home in Chaucer Street.
The experience was so intense Miss Taylor fled the house after being slapped by a spirit.
A television remote control was also thrown across the room and bedding moved by itself during the investigation.
Mr Ainley has produced a jaw-dropping report into the weird events.
In it, he said: "The Chaucer Street house is definitely haunted and has poltergeist activity.
"There are two spirits haunting the house, that of a mother and that of a baby, the mother spirit seems particularly angry probably at the way she died, which is why objects are being thrown about.
"We decided to do some glass divination, during which Kellie had her face seemingly lightly slapped by a spirit hand."
"Through this, we determined that there were two spirits – a mother and baby and the names "Rachel" and "Sarah" became apparent also.
"They appear to have both died quickly and tragically.
"The master bedroom proved to be a very active area.
"All three of us were in this room calling out for the spirit when I had a TV remote control thrown across the room at me."
Retired Church of England clergyman Reverend Tom Willis has been called in to exorcise the house next week.
The Rev Willis has been exorcising properties for nearly 50 years.
He said: "The first thing you need to do is diagnose what is causing it.
"Then I simply bless the house and pray what is there is removed.
"Hauntings are usually lonely spirits that have refused to move on.
"I don't get scared by this as I'm not actually that psychic and haven't seen an apparition in 50 years.
"What I do brings relief to both the spirit and those bothered by it."
