"Out There…Somewhere”: Aiken Questions BIG BOOM
"Out There…Somewhere”: Aiken Questions BIG BOOM
March 20, 2009
By George Eskola
WJBF News Channel 6
(Video on website.)
Aiken, SC—From the heavens came a fire ball, and a boom.
“I’ve heard the meteorite story, I’ve heard the airplane sonic boom story I don’t know says,” says Tony Jones.
Aiken is a town that’s not easily fooled, and is questioning the reports that the flash, and bang in the early morning sky, was a meteor.
“I’m not buying the meteor explanation, no,” said Jessica Kersting.
“Probably aliens” laughed Chris Schweichard.
“Maybe the UFO is bringing the stimulus package to Aiken,” said Jones, putting a political twist on the sighting.
“Anything’s possible,” said Sam Coles.
But aren’t UFO’s always around a place like Area 51, out in Nevada? But, this is Aiken County, what kind of super secret installation do we have in Aiken County?
“Don’t believe what you hear” said a lady named Trisha, who works at SRS, and who refused to confirm or deny the presence of UFO’s.
But, not everyone in Aiken is drinking in this alien theory.
I mean St. Patrick’s Day was Tuesday, and Aiken is a town where Whisky meets Brandy, the two streets intersect, I’m not kidding, and Brandy meets Gin, fireball and sonic boom, what fireball and sonic boom?
“I didn’t see it I just got to bed sleeping one off pretty much yea,” said Rob Orlaske, who just got to Aiken from St. Josephs, Michigan.
So the experts say meteor, Aiken folks want to know the truth.
“We got to dig deep; we’ve got to have investigations, we got to have some answers,” says Jones.
And I’ll drink to that, Out There Somewhere, over Aiken.
