Paranormal 101: Are there night tours at the Sacramento City Cemetery?
Paranormal 101: Are there night tours at the Sacramento City Cemetery?
August 23, 2009
Victoria Dennison
NOTE: Please visit the website to view the video included in the article.
Located in the city of Sacramento is the cemetery which is affectionately referred to as the "Old City Cemetery". It is located at Broadway and 10th St.
The Cemetery was built in 1849 and is a historically significant park. From marble angels standing guard over elaborate family tombs, to the simple graves of the common man, much of the history of California lie within its walls. The land itself was donated by Captain John Sutter in 1849, and among the first people to be buried there were over 600 victims of the cholera epidemic which struck the area in 1850. From the marble edifices of the rich and famous, to the simple grave of the laborer, each contributed in their own way to the history of the "Golden State" of California.
Photos taken during daylight hours by vjd-self guided tour
The cemetery offers many tours, but none are as sought after as the "Lantern Tour". It will be held this year on Friday, October 23 and Saturday, Oct. 24th, 2009. The tickets cost $25.00 a piece and there are three different tour times available, which are 6:30, 8:00 and 9:30 all in the evening hours. It may be August and 100 degree's outside right now, but I am letting you know about the tour at this time, as the tickets sell out quickly. If you wish to go you should follow the link to the "old city cemetery" website, look up "tours and events" and once you find the lantern tour, send them an email so that you can be notified when the tickets go on sale!
I went on a Lantern Tour at the cemetery before, and it is both educational and fun. The tour guide was adept at relating the history of the cemetery to our group, and included some stories about haunts....pertaining to the cemetery itself. The night air was crisp and a slight breeze rustled the leaves and branches of the tree's and the air was filled excitement as people took out their camera's hoping to catch a spectral image.......
I took my share of photographs and upon returning home, uploaded them into the computer. Many orbs of different sizes and colors graced my screen as the family watched with amazement. In all honesty, most were caused by natural phenomena, but yet there was a couple I could not explain.
If you wish to take an evening tour of a historical cemetery with lots of atmosphere, do not miss "The Lantern Tours", They are only offered once a year! Do not forget your flashlight!
