Paranormal fans invited to a ghost hunt in old city haunts
Paranormal fans invited to a ghost hunt in old city haunts
June 30, 2009
THE LATEST high-tech ghost-hunting equipment is to be taken into two of Edinburgh's most haunted vaults in a bid to find out if there really are spirits under the old streets of the Capital.
Fans of the paranormal are being dared to spend the night in the underground vaults of Blair Street and Niddry Street on Saturday, 11 July.
The public will be given the chance to spend the night investigating sets of vaults on the one night, using 21st century ghos-hunting equipment.
The Paradox Experience includes equipment which can detect small changes in electrical energy and potentially detect the energy field of a ghost. It also includes real time EVP (electronic voice phenomena) equipment, used to try to make direct audio contact with any spirits. Responses can be heard as they occur.
Paul Rowland from Paradox Electronics said: "I enjoy sharing the increasing number of 'interesting' results with groups of public on events."
As well as the electronic equipment, the event will have mediums and experienced investigators on hand throughout the night.
Further details can be found online at
