Paranormal investigator reveals 25 years of mysteries
Paranormal investigator reveals 25 years of mysteries
September 28, 2009
By Mark McGivern
A PARANORMAL investigator yesterday revealed tales of aliens, ghosts and big cats.
Lionel Fanthorpe has spent 25 years on his own X Files probe, dealing with hundreds of cases.
He revealed alien sightings were the most common and he has probed 109 separate reports.
A handful were from Scotland - including several sightings by police officers.
Two cops spotted a 100ft oval in the sky above Sidlaw Hills near Dundee in 1993.
And other officers saw several slow-moving objects hovering over Galston, Ayrshire, the same year.
Clothes Back in 1986, two constables saw a "flying clothes pole" in Armadale, West Lothian.
They spotted it from a mile away - even though they said it was just six inches wide and three feet long.
In 1988 at Bordaduabh, near Campbeltown, several members of the public and two police officers saw three of four stationary objects in the sky.
There was another sighting that year when cops watched a static white light hovering in the Pentland Hills near Cramond, Edinburgh.
Fanthorpe, 75, of Cardiff, has also dealt with 50 reports of ghosts - including seven spectres of policeman and one phantom monk.
And 21 people came forward claiming to have spotted a werewolf.
Meanwhile, 17 motorists claimed to have had paranormal encounters on the road.
One even picked up a ghostly hitchhiker, while several reported spotting a ghost girl on the Caterham bypass in Surrey.
Fanthorpe also looked into poltergeists, crop circles and scary noises. His research was published online yesterday at
