Psychic, aroma therapist combine forces to heal, rejuvenate
Psychic, aroma therapist combine forces to heal, rejuvenate
June 20, 2011
Whether or not you believe in the paranormal, psychic phenomenon, extrasensory perception and mediumship, there are scores of people who say they have the ability to go beyond the traditional five senses in terms of awareness.
In fact, some say there is no such thing as "paranormal," but the term refers only to our limited understanding of nature and its multiple dimensions.
Amanda Dowel of Chesterfield, Mo., says she remembers having some degree of psychic ability — or divine gift — as early as 5 years old.
"I was adopted, and my parents and my grandmother knew from the start that they had brought home a special child," Dowel said. "I always knew what my dog was thinking — hearing him say things like ‘wait for me’ — and I just thought that was normal."
Dowel’s grandmother knew that she was seeing and hearing things that others couldn’t. Her advice? "Pray to God every time you read or experience something. That way, you know you are calling to the highest power."
When Dowel was 7, her grandmother died, and for the first time, Dowel experienced mediumship, seeing her grandmother standing near her own casket.
"My Mom didn’t believe me, but my second-grade teacher did," Dowel said. "She told me it was OK. After that, my grandmother spoke to me, saying that I would see things more clearly and that she didn’t really leave me. Though I didn’t understand her message at the time, I did begin ‘seeing’ things that others didn’t, as well as hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting when others could not.
She continued to have "out of the ordinary" experiences, and when she was about 16, a massage therapist and Raeki practitioner sensed her abilities and helped point her in the right direction to fine-tune them and best utilize her talents to help others.
Since then, Dowel has used her "intuition" and extrasensory perception to become an intuitive counselor, radio psychic, healing touch practitioner, angel reader, medium, animal communicator, medical intuitive energy reader and healer, and a spiritual guide.
She says her psychic ability combined with energetic healing techniques is what separates her from the rest.
"My focus when working with a client is to make sure they’re using a roadmap to their destination," Dowel said. "I go into prayer mode and take my energy to God. From there, I begin tuning into a person to see what comes through. I call on the guides and angels around the client and ask the divine to bring through messages of highest good."
She is a tested psychic with Best American Psychics.
"We are a team offering compassion with wonderful guidance to empower people," Dowel said.
She hosts a radio show at 11 a.m. Mondays at and has been a guest on such radio shows as Kelley Lamm’s "Deliciously Alive" on Westplex 100.7 FM. She also collaborates with a "sacred journey team" including massage therapist/life coach Sandy Moss and aroma therapist John Kluge of Bridgeton, Mo. to provide clients with a total package to upgrade their energy system (mind, body and spirit) and help them move forward on the path to enlightenment, Dowel said.
When Dowel meets people, she said she is able to see their "energy aura," consisting of colors of light radiating from their body.
"And with my healing abilities, I can determine through that aura what they need to feel better or to move forward in their journey on Earth," she said.
With 11 years of experience as an aroma therapist, Klug said working as a team is very beneficial to clients.
"I use Young Living essential oils, blended using established protocols, and then anoint (or massage) the oils into the client’s hands, head (or back of neck) and feet," Klug said. "The oils are a ‘booster shot’ of what people need. I think people would eat, drink and smoke less if they knew about and used these kind of oils."
A fairly standard mix for a client who has normal stress and toxins common in everyday living might include frankincense, spruce, peppermint, eucalyptus and myrtle. Copa Iba is an oil that is particularly beneficial as an anti-inflammatory. For rejuvenation, ginger, orange and cinnamon might be utilized. Some oils work well for one person and not for another.
"We’re aligning a person’s aura with Mother Earth and upgrading it to positive energy," Dowel said. "It’s like I take a snapshot of a person’s energy field and know what is needed, and the client receives more benefit much faster."
"It’s like taking a shower in sunshine," Klug said. "I have about 30 separate blends to choose from, each with five to 10 components."
Dowel and Klug each receive their own oil anointment about once a week, because as Dowel says, "It rejuvenates me."
Animals and children have always been attracted to her.
"It’s almost like a Snow White syndrome," Dowel said. "They always seem to be drawn to me, because I understand them."
She also works as a medium, saying that it can be very important in helping people deal with grief.
"If they’ve lost somebody, I can help them get some answers," she said.
She said deceased people, angels and animals give her messages.
She is a tarot card reader and gives readings by telephone. She also schedules in-person appointments for the variety of services she provides.
"Many people have told me I have helped them by relieving pain; they have less anxiety and less depression," Dowel said. "I know I’ve made a difference, and that gives me great joy."
Dowel is in the process of becoming certified in Star Healing Intergalactic Energy, a healing system founded by Kelly Hampton that Hampton said is channeled by the Archangel Michael.
Dowel and Klug also can be booked for private parties, where guests receive readings and oil anointing.
To contact Dowel, call (301) 748-1090 or e-mail her at Contact Kluge at For more information, visit their web sites at or www.YoungLiving.Org/JohnKluge, respectively.
