Remote Viewing: Does it really work?
Remote Viewing: Does it really work?
March 21, 2009
by Patricia Ress
Most of us have at least heard the term 'remote viewing'-especially if we are into the paranormal or psychological. Some names ring enormous bells in this field: Major Ed Dames, Joe McMoneagle, Lynn Buchannan, Ingo Swann-but learning it and learning to do it correctly can require some major financial investment-so what to do? Several years ago, Art Bell presented a small kit devised by Major Dames called "Mind Dazzle." I would say it was aptly named. I purchased it on a special sale they had for Bell listeners for the not-so-paltry cost of $79. At that it was expensive enough for me to take it seriously, yet cheap enough that if things did not work out, it would not send us to the poorhouse(if such things still exist!)
About two weeks after ordering it, my kit arrived. I opened it in great anticipation to find a. a small 3-minute egg timer b. a small pamphlet-sized book with an overview of the subject and c. a notepad with pencil. THIS was my mysterious "mind dazzle" kit? I was shocked-and also a bit angry! I felt I had really been rooked. But I gave it a go all the same, and I wasn't disappointed. So did I have to be psychic to get results? No! Ansolutely not! Granted, it can help! But you do not need it. In remote viewing you call upon your subconscious to give you an answer`~ but therein lies the can of worms. Answers come in many different forms and it is up to the questioner to decide which information is to be used and which isn't-which requires skill and experience. Let me make this a bit easier. Do you remember a few years back there was something called a 'pencil test' which supposedly could tell you the number of children you would have, the sex of each child, and the order of each birth? A friend of mine-the daughter of a psychiatrist-explained this to me in this manner: you unconscious mind has the capacity to know everything-the trick is to tap into that knowledge. In the pencil test, you took a large-eyed needle and stuck it tightly into the eraser of a sharpened wooden pencil. You would hold the pencil loosely with you forefinger and thumb and detect a pattern. Usually up and down from your arm to your fingers meant 'yes' and back and forth(left and right) over your wrist meant 'no'. Boys were indicated by the up and down motion and girls by the sideways swing. What really amazed me about this 'test' was how accurate it was when I tried it on the mothers of several of my friends who came from large families! I even picked up miscarriages and stillborn infants!(I didn't have any idea about this ahead of time!) Anyhow, you may want to try it to convince yourself that something CAN access your unconscious mind.
Inside the Mind-Dazzle kit were many pictures which had been placed inside envelopes. I could not check it until I had done the experiment. Then I could check and see how much of the picture I picked up on. My instructions wwere to take the notepad and pencil and then turn the egg-time for the 3 minutes. During that time Iwas to write down the first things that came into my head while staring at the blank outside of the envelope.(There was no way to see anything inside-so I certainly could not tell anything from observing-it was a matter of concentrating.) After the 3 minutes had passed, I had to stop immediately. Then I could look and see how much I got right! The results were amazing! Although I rarely got anything you could call exact, I DID pick up on a number of things! On one occasion I kept seeing a large brick wall, a darkish sky and a small light-colored car. I couldn't pick up anything else, but when I saw the picture I had been remote-viewing, it was actually a tunnel with a small VW going through it. The dark sky was the ceiling with only an occasional light! In another case, I saw several boats but no water-and I picked up on a bridge in the background. I thought I had seen a 'drydock' where boats had been repaired. Instead I had seen a small inlet which was drained when the tide went out. In all of the things I picked up on, everything had been some bit of information useful for finding a location. Had I learned much? Well, obviously I was hardly ready for serious work in remote-viewing, but I had become convinced that this practice was something very real-and very useful. I definitely wanted to learn it.
I discovered that remote viewing was not simply using a form of psychic ability to obtain information. It is using scientific protocol to develop and extend that ability and to tap the knowledge of the subconscious mind so that ordinary people can learn to do what psychics do. If this interests you, I would strongly urge you to proceed under the tutelage of a well-known teacher. I recently purchased a more involved and complicated course(beyond my mind-dazzle kit) consisting of about 6 CDs for les than $75. If you can afford a classroom with a live teacher such as the seminars given by Sean David Morton, that would be ideal. But you might have to travel to take part in that. In the meantime, if you have only used the Mind Dazzle kit, don't feel too badly. At least you have the satisfaction of knowing that this is a very real phenomenon that can be approached scientifically.