Reptilians, Gila monsters, UFOs and politicians
Reptilians, Gila monsters, UFOs and politicians
October 31, 2009
Chris Steele
t has long been rumored and joked about that politicians are reptiles. Both metaphorically and literally presidents, newscasters and senators have been believed to be reptilians. Rumors and conspiracies have flown around websites, forums and Youtube. The said giveaways of a disguised reptilian are frequent tongue licking, strange blinking eyes (sometimes blinking from the sides, i.e. Larry King) and appearance of morphing and/or shape-shifting in appearance. The Bush family has been accused of being reptilians as well as Larry King and John McCain. Conspiracy theorist David Icke even wrote about how President Clinton was once being mind controlled by a reptilian extraterrestrial.
We have all seen the show “Vâ€, with the shape shifting extraterrestrials. How about Odo from Deep Space Nine? The theory of a race of reptilian looking extraterrestrials is an age old story that is in some African folklore. Statues and ancient art show depictions of bi-pedal reptilian looking creatures as well. The mythological name for this reptilian race is typically referred to as the Anunnaki. Quetzalcoatl is a very well known reptilian looking myth as well. There are rumors that these races of reptilian extraterrestrial come from the Planet Nibiru that passes by Earth every 3,500 years. The Anunnaki appear in the Babylonian creation myth and in religious texts ranging from Hinduism, Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
David Icke and other radical thinkers believe that reptilian reptoids originate from the Alpha Draconis star system. David Icke also explains how reptilian humanoids feed off of negative energy, this is why they are politicians who rule the world and keep war a constant entity on earth. Author Zecharia Sitchin who wrote about the Anunnaki, UFOs, and ancient astronauts had much to say on this theory. However, Sitchin usually referred to these reptilians as looking perfectly humanoid in his book 12th Planet. Timothy Leary and others did experiments where people took LSD and various hallucinogenics. They noticed that during their experience the members all saw the same people as looking like reptiles.
There are plenty of rumors, websites and writings on the topic of reptilian shape-shifters who prefer the occupation of being a politician. Reports of reptilians have come in all over the world including Netherlands and the Dolce military base in New Mexico. There is not any empirical evidence that a race of reptoids is controlling planet earth. Nevertheless it is a popular rumor that has been used to tie into the whole apocalypse-new-world-order-illuminati-doomsday-2012 fiasco. So don’t be surprised if President Obama, Denver’s Governor Bill Ritter or your local mayor is dressed up as reptoids, alligators, snakes or Reptile from Mortal Kombat this Halloween.
