Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Rosemary Ellen Guiley is one of leading experts on the paranormal and supernatural. With 41 books - including 9 encyclopedias - and hundreds of articles in print on a wide range of paranormal, spiritual and mystical topics, she possesses an exceptional knowledge of the field. She has approximately one million copies in print.
Her popular encyclopedias on ghosts and spirits, angels, vampires and werewolves, magic and alchemy, witchcraft, demons, dreams, mystical and paranormal experience and saints are considered essential sources for authors, researchers, film and documentary producers, and paranormal investigators. Her work has been translated into 14 languages and has been selected by major book clubs around the world. She appears in television programs, documentaries and docu-dramas with paranormal themes, and makes numerous media and lecture appearances, including colleges and universities. She conducts original field investigations of haunted and mysterious sites.
Guiley is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, the leading nighttime talk radio show. She is the featured paranormal expert with a monthly report on three radio shows: the Richard Syrett Show, Toronto, Scott Colburn's Exploring Unexplained Phenomena, Lincoln, Nebraska, and Tim Yancey's Encounters Paranormal Radio in Florida.
She also is engaged in the following activities:
Member, board of directors, the Paranormal Source, Inc., a nonprofit research organization based in the Dallas, Texas area
Columnist for TAPS Paramagazine
Consulting editor of FATE Magazine
Associate editor of JAR, the Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research
Content writer for the Arts & Entertainment blog site, Paranormal Insider
Consulting editor of "Mysteries, Legends and Unexplained Phenomena," a series of young adult nonfiction books on the paranormal, published by Chelsea House/Facts On File. She also has written several of the titles in the series.
Contributing writer to the online monthly, The Global Intelligencer
On-camera paranormal expert for Spooked TV productions docu-dramas
Maryland representative for John Zaffis's Paranormal Research Society of New England, which focuses on negative haunting problems
Consultant to groups and consortiums of paranormal investigators
Honorary Fellow of the College of Human Sciences, the professional membership division of the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences, Montreal
Past positions held are:
Member, board of directors, International Association for the Study of Dreams
Member, board of trustees, Academy of Religion and Psychical Research (now the Academy of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies)
Guiley holds a BA in Communications from the University of Washington, Seattle. Prior to becoming self-employed as an author, she worked as a news journalist, magazine editor, and internal communications editor for IBM in White Plains, NY. Visionary Living, Inc., formed in 2000, is her umbrella company for managing her publishing and media work. She lives in Maryland near Baltimore.
Published and Forth-Coming Books
Total copies in print: approximately one million
The Encyclopedia of Demons. Facts On File, 2009.
Spirit Communications. Part of the Mysteries, Legends and Unexplained Phenomena series. Young Adult. Chelsea House/Facts On File, 2009.
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits. Facts On File, 1992. Second ed. 2000. Third ed. 2007. Award of Excellence from the American Library Association.
Ghosts & Haunted Places. Part of the Mysteries, Legends and Unexplained Phenomena series. Young Adult. Chelsea House/Facts On File, 2008.
The Encyclopedia of the Strange, Mystical and Unexplained. Gramercy Books/Random House, 2001.
The Atlas of the Mysterious in North America. Facts On File, 1994.
Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical and Paranormal Experience. Harper San Francisco, 1991.
Moonscapes: A Celebration of Lunar Astronomy, Magic, Legend and Lore. Prentice-Hall, 1991.
The Encyclopedia of Magic and Alchemy. Facts On File, 2006.
The Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves and Other Monsters. Facts On File, 2005.
Vampires. Part of the Mysteries, Legends and Unexplained Phenomena series. Young Adult. Chelsea House/Facts On File, 2008.
The Complete Vampire Companion. Macmillan, 1994.
Vampires Among Us. Pocket Books, 1991. Nominated for the Horror Writers of America Bram Stoker Award for best paranormal nonfiction.
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft & Wicca. Facts On File, 1989. Second ed. 1999. Third ed. 2008.
Witches & Witchcraft. Part of the Mysteries, Legends and Unexplained Phenomena series. Young Adult. Chelsea House/Facts On File, 2008.
Dreams and Astral Travel. Part of the Mysteries, Legends and Unexplained Phenomena series. Young Adult. Chelsea House/Facts On File, 2009.
The Tao of Dreaming. (With Sheryl Martin, OMD) Berkley, 2005.
The Dreamer�s Way: Using Proactive Dreaming for Creativity and Healing. Berkley, 2004.
Dreamspeak: How To Understand the Messages in Your Dreams. Berkley, 2001.
Dreamwork for the Soul. Berkley, 1998.
The Encyclopedia of Dreams: Symbols and Interpretations. Crossroad, 1993; Berkley, 1995.
Breakthrough Intuition: How To Achieve A Life of Abundance by Listening to the Voice Within. Berkley, 2001.
Fairy Magic. Thorsons/Element, 2004. (Faery Magic companion CD, Visionary Living, 2008.)
The Encyclopedia of Angels. Facts On File, 1996. Second ed. 2004.
Angel Magic for Love and Romance. Galde Press, 2005.
Ask the Angels. Element/HarperCollins, 2003. Hampton Roads, 2008.
I Bring You Glad Tidings: Inspiring True Stories of Christmas Angels. Pocket Books, 1999.
An Angel in Your Pocket. Thorsons/HarperCollins, 1999.
Angels of Mercy. Pocket Books, 1994. A Waldenbooks best-seller.
Tales of Reincarnation. Pocket Books, 1989. Revised edition Galde Press, 2008.
The Mystical Tarot. New American Library, 1991; Signet, 2001.
The Angels Tarot. HarperSanFrancisco, book and deck set,1996.
The Alchemical Tarot. Thorsons/HarperCollins, book and deck set, 1995.
The Alchemical Tarot Revisited. Hermes Publishing, 2009.
The Quotable Saint. Facts On File, 2002.
The Encyclopedia of Saints. Facts On File, 2001.
A Miracle in Your Pocket. Thorsons/HarperCollins, 2001.
Prayer Works. Unity House, 1998.
Wellness: Prayers for Comfort and Healing. Pocket Books, 1998.
Blessings: Prayers for the Home and Family. Pocket Books, 1996 and 1998.
The Miracle of Prayer: True Stories of Blessed Healings. Pocket Books, 1995.
Documentaries, docu-dramas and cable/television shows
Children of the Grave, Spooked Productions, The Sci-Fi Channel
The Possessed, The Sci-Fi Channel (2009)
Sci-Fi Times TV
Witchcraft in Salem, Mysterious Journeys, The Travel Channel
The Secret Life of Vampires, A&E
Angels: Good or Evil, The History Channel
Dreams and Food, The Discovery Health Channel
Divine Magic: The World of the Supernatural: The Restless Dead, Time-Life Films
Divine Magic: The World of the Supernatural: Dreams of Gold, Time-Life Films
The Quest: Lunar Mysteries, Discovery Channel
Adventures Beyond: America's Most Haunted, Bob Schott Productions
Creepy Canada TV series, Ghost investigation at the USS Constellation and Poe gravesite in Baltimore
Sightings, Vampires
The Science and Power of Prayer, Hartley Film Foundation
Numerous local and regional TV talk shows and newscasts
Radio talk shows
Appearances on numerous radio shows; these are a representative sample:
Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
Beyond Reality with Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson
The Richard Syrett Show (Canada) with Richard Syrett -- Rosemary is the special paranormal expert guest on the second Wednesday of every month
Exploring Unexplained Phenomena with Scott Colborn -- Rosemary has a special segment every fourth Saturday of the month
Encounters Paranormal Radio with Tim Yancey - Rosemary has a special program every first Sunday of the month
A.P.S.R. Paranormal Talk Radio with Dr. Jimmy Lowery
Jerry Pippin Show
Lou Gentile Show
Magick Mind Radio
Haunted Voices
Hilly Rose Show
Laura Lee Show
Spooky Southcoast with Tim Weisberg and Matt Costa
The Headroom with Rob Simone
The Unexplained with Howard Hughes (U.K.)
Charlie Wolf (U.K.)
B.B.C. (U.K.)
The Edge
21st Century Radio with Bob Hieronimous
The Vortex with Beth Richards-Mastin (Canada)
Wisdom Radio
The World of the Unexplained
Guiley has been featured in dozens of magazines and newspapers. These are representative samples:
TAPS Paramagazine
After Dark (Coast to Coast AM)
FATE Magazine
Atlantis Rising
Bite Me (U.K.)
Mclean's (Canada)
The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Seattle Times
he San Jose Mercury
Dream Network
Dream Time
Body Mind Spirit
Numerous newspapers and local/regional magazines
