Saloon Row Ghost Tour
Saloon Row Ghost Tour
Williams, AZ
Grand Canyon
Williams, AZ
United States
$15 per adult, $8 per child
(928) 600-3024
The unique new ìSaloon Row Ghost Tourî takes guests on a spine-tingling Spooky Walking Tour, into a side of Williams Saloon Row that raises more questions than it answers. The ìSaloon Row Ghost Toursî also includes an entertaining audio presentation that tells strange tales of Ö ï Ghostly apparitions and supernatural occurrences, ï Strange phenomena, unexplainable and unusual happenings, ï Freaky facts youíve always wanted to know but didnít know who to ask. Questions about death, embalming, burials and cremations, by a former funeral director. The tour culminates in a visit to the saloon/ haunted hotel.
The historic district of this once a bawdy frontier town, now offers glimpses into Williams' colorful past. Saloons, bordellos, and shops have been brought back to life through the care and concern of present-day Williams merchants. Visitors can now safely stroll the brick sidewalks of the historic district, enjoying the sights and sounds of times now nearly gone. But don't be too surprised if you find yourself accosted by "cowboy gunfighters" - they're a mainstay of Williams summertime entertainment! Located within this same historic area is the historic Grand CanyonRailway & Resort and Williams Depot. The sounds of steam and clanging bells grace the air as restored rolling stock depart Williams each day for the Grand Canyon. Information about this unique and exciting experience can be had by calling 1-800-THE-TRAIN.
