San Antonio Ghost Tours
San Antonio Ghost Tours
Von Ormy , TX 78073
Phone:(210) 336-7831
Fax: (480) 247-5172
San Antonio Ghost Tours ghost stories about San Antonio Texas. Walk through Graveyards or ride in your Own Private Limo. San Antonio Ghost Tours offers the Ghost and Graveyard Tour. Creep through the night alongside the graves of San Antonio's past citizens. Experience for yourself, walking through some of San Antonio's oldest graveyards. Listen to true ghost stories about San Antonio's dark and wicked past. See the gravestones and hear the stories about some of San Antonio's earlier citizens. If you think you would like walking through Old Graveyards while you are being driven around on your own Private Limo Tour. Then this is the tour for you. Old Graveyards are one of the best places to hunt ghost. This a once a month tour
Alamo City Ghost Tours offers a daily day and night ghost hunt in downtown San Antonio.
The Alamo Ghost Hunt Tour, our evening tour, was the most broadcasted Ghost Tour in San Antonio We visit 13 haunted locations, starting beside the outside wall of the Ripley's Believe It or Not! The address is 307 Alamo Plaza. The hardest thing about taking our tours is not being fooled into getting on the wrong tour You will see two of the cities Oldest Hanging Trees, an Old Spanish Palace, Battlefields, Old Hotels, Cemeteries and the Alamo Plaza Area. We bring ghost-hunting equipment for people to use so the whole crowd can have a ghost hunting experience while hearing about the ghost.
Haunted Palace Tour, our daytime tour. The Haunted Palace Tour is a ghost tour that allows us to enter some of San Antonio's most haunted locations. Tour can be booked to fit your schedule. The Haunted Palace Tour click here
We have been leading Ghost Hunters through San Antonio's Most Haunted Locations since 1996. Knowledgeable guides, historical accuracy and a Top Notch Reputation is what has put us at the top of San Antonio's Best Entertainment List for the last 5 years.
Ghost Hunting 101, Plus True and Factual History. We also own Mission Trail Tours a well known local historical tour company. Our tours are very well known for true and unusual history. We have combined historical knowledge with 30 years of ghost hunting experience to create The Alamo Ghost Hunt, one of the top ghost tour/ghost hunts in the country today. You don't get claims of true and factual history only to find out it's just dime store stories every local comic book store sells a copy of.
Alamo City Ghost Tours is San Antonio's Most Broadcasted Ghost Tour.
Alamo City Ghost Tours is the only ghost tour in the country To be listed as a Major Attraction in any city By Rand McNally. We are also the only ghost tour listed by the city of San Antonio as an attraction. The 2nd edition of the book The Spirits of the Alamo has an entire page dedicated to The Alamo Ghost Hunt
You Don't get a reputation like that from capitalizing on 20 minutes of T V fame.
Dallas Morning News Reports
I feel as if I have been transported into the 1980s movie Ghostbusters .
Here are just a few of the magazines we have been listed in.
2007 Look for us this fall in the Home and Garden Magazine
2007 Look for us in the Texas Journey Magazine
2007 Look for us in Crisscrossing Texas Magazine
2007 look for us in the Texas Monthly Magazine
2008-2009 Look for us in the Official Spurs Yearbook for we have been invited to be part of the Spurs Team for the second year in a row.
Top 40 station Mix 96.1 featured us as part of the Russell Rush Haunted Tour of 2008
Country Station KJ 97 chose Alamo City Ghost Tours and Ripleys Haunted Adventure as the two best attractions in downtown San Antonio to feature for their Halloween Special of 2006
Rock Station K ZEP 104.5 chose Alamo Ghost Hunt to feature on their morning program on Halloween of 2006
Hip Hop Station 98.5 The Beat. chose J.R. the owner of The Original Alamo City Ghost Tours as the professional Ghost Hunter for their two hour call in special on Halloween of 2006. Stating that no other Ghost Hunter they have had on their show before could be put in J.R.'s class.
News Radio 1200 San Antonio's top news program chose J.R. as San Antonio's top Professional Ghost Hunter. To do a live interview with for their Halloween special in 2006
San Antonio's top newspaper The Express News chose the San Antonio Ghost Hunters to write about for their Halloween Special. A group of over 275 Local Ghost Hunters that is headed by J.R.
We were chosen by Hip Hop Station 94.1 as the Ghost Tour to have it's tickets given away along with the other major haunted attractions in San Antonio in 2007 and 2008
We were chosen by Old school and R&B Station 96.1 as the tour for their Halloween Special of 2007
Our tours have been chosen by the University of Texas San Antonio as class credits for the future teachers of San Antonio in 2006
We also participate in the Heritage Education Tours for the San Antonio Conservation Society
It does not matter if you are staying Downtown at the Menger Hotel next to the Alamo or any other hotel in town You will be able to find a brochure in the hotels advertising rack to the most popular ghost tour in San Antonio. Just ask the front desk they will be glad to make sure your spot is saved on the Alamo Ghost Hunt
The New York Times, Ghost Magazine, The History Channel, Discovery Channel, ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox can all honestly say that The Alamo Ghost Hunt is thought to be the very Best Ghost Tour in San Antonio!!
Alamo City Ghost Tours has taken more ghost hunters on ghost hunts through the Battle Ground of the Alamo than anyone else in the world!!
Testimonials from our customers
Hey JR,
I was on your tour Thursday night, I was the one talking to you about my school being haunted due to the explosion, and orbs. well any way first let me say I enjoyed your tour, and would take it again in a heartbeat. Secondly I caught some "interesting" pictures in the first hanging tree. a few orbs which COULD be dismissed, BUT one when you zoom in looks eerily like a skull, you can see eyes, and teeth. I'll attach them as files. The first is the skull picture. its at the top left corner and you have to zoom in to see the full skull. the others with the orbs follow
Thanks for the experience,
Chad Hlavaty
Hi JR and Karen,
Had a great time on the tour last night. I snapped some pics with out seeing anything and on the way home, I was very surprised to find figures/faces! I have attached some of them for you. You may have to lighten the tree pics some, but there is clearly a young mans face to the left of the knot hole. The chapel wall pics show a soldier (at least I can see what appears to be some sort of military uniform), but you have to rotate it with the date on the bottom. Also, there is one pic with the red dot where you were showing us a small face, my man is above that dot when the photo is rotated.
Thanks for a great time,
Carol Robbins
My husband and I and 2 of our friends were on your ghost tour on Sat. the 6th of December and we had a great time! We took some pictures with my cell phone and when we looked at them on our computer we ran across one that seemed a little interesting.
Do you see anything in the upper left window in the picture?
Amber and Ben Box
Hi Karen and JR!
We just wanted to thank you for the great time we had on your ghost tour. Caitlin and I were in town to work the auto show and thought this would be fun, and it was as well as informative. I am sending a few photos for you to look at. They are all of the same area, and in two of them there is in my opinion definitely something there. I sent all four of them so you could compare. If you look in the right hand corner window above the door you can see nothing in 2 of them, then one has something that appears to be inside the window, and one that the object appears to be outside of the window on the ledge. ( If you zoom in you can see better), it is blue, and appears to be a little boy from what I can tell wearing a hat and a jacket. I noticed out of all of my photos those two seemed to be the only suspicious ones. I know Karen said the ghosts or spirits were usually pink or blue or something, and it was odd how there was no colors or reflections as you can see in the other photos to affect it. Anyway, please take a look and tell me what you think!
The other is Caitlin, Karen and I
Thanks again, Tina Pettet
Ghost Hunters Society Had this to say. This tour is action packed ghost hunting from start to finish. With over 30 years of ghost hunting experience being taught in a 90min. tour the knowledge of actual Ghost Hunting is amazing. One thing we all agreed upon was that you learn more in this 90min. tour than most of us new in our first 5 years of trial and erorr Ghost Hunting. The history was exellent.
Alamo City Ghost Tours has taken more ghost hunters on ghost hunts through the Battle Ground of the Alamo than anyone else in the world!!
Ghost Hunting 101, Plus True and Factual History. We also own Mission Trail Tours a well known local historical tour company. Our tours are very well known for true and unusual history. We have combined historical knowledge with 30 years of ghost hunting experience to create The Alamo Ghost Hunt, one of the top ghost tour/ghost hunts in the country today. You don't get claims of true and factual history only to find out it's just dime store stories every local comic book store sells a copy of.
Here are some of the locations that members of our private paranormal team have researched and investigated (Ghost Hunts) here in San Antonio. Menger Hotel, Emily Morgan Hotel, the Crockett Hotel, the La Mansion Hotel, The Spanish Governors Palace, The Casa Navarro, the Alamo Dinner Theatre, the Majestic Theatre, the Charlene McCombs Empire Theatre, the Hertzberg Circus Museum, the Southwest Craft Center formerly the Ursaline Academy, the Metropolitan Health District Offices formerly the Continental Hotel, the Royal Swan Inn, the River Walk Inn, the Menger Soap Works Building. the San Antonio City Cemeteries, Mission Burial Park, San Fernando Cemeteries No.1 and Cemetery No. 2, the cemetery at San Jose Mission, and the cemetery at San Juan Mission. There are more investigations to list this is just a few of our investigations.
