Science journalism faces media changes, emerging discoveries
Science journalism faces media changes, emerging discoveries
February 20, 2010
Steve Hammons
American Chronicle
(This article originally appeared on the Joint Recon Study Group site.)
"Weird science" and "weird science journalism" may reconfigure how science is explored, communicated and understood.
The field of journalism is going through significant changes as print and broadcast media are transformed by electronic media of various kinds.
Science journalism is no exception. Online and e-journalism, including citizen journalism, are changing not only media platforms but also content and focus.
Sometimes, this is perceived as, and generally acknowledged to be, a trend that has some negative aspects. However, parts of these changes are related to more vigorous coverage of topics that science journalists may have been covering inadequately.
Often sticking with safe and conventional science topics, some science journalists might have missed very interesting emerging developments in a range of scientific areas.
Certain topics deemed unconventional, anomalous, metaphysical, fringe or even paranormal may, in fact, be very legitimate subjects that science journalists can cover. In the area of emerging discoveries, the public may be ahead of some science journalists in recognizing coming trends.
Where to begin? Interesting discoveries have been made in the fields of hum
