Scientific analysis suggests Billy Meier UFO photos may be genuine
Scientific analysis suggests Billy Meier UFO photos may be genuine
November 7, 2009
Ronald Nussbeck
All News Web
he UFO photographs surveyed were taken on March 26, 1981 and sometime in 1984 by Billy Meier in Switzerland. This survey has been authorized by Michael Horn, Billy Meier's United States associate to determine the authenticity of these photographs. The survey conducted between October 22, 2009 and November 6, 2009 included 100 hours of laboratory time and over 100 photographic enhancements using APEP (Advanced Photographic Extraction Process) regarded by many as one of the world's leading imaging process. The UFO photographs below will have a caption with our opinion accompanied by Scientific evidence leading to conclusions drawn from our 25 years of combined UFO photographic expertise.
An original copy of the Billy Meier Photograph taken March 26, 1981 is seen below. The photography has not been retouched or manipulated in any detectable way and the conclusion of the sciencific team is that it is authentic in every aspect. The craft measures approximately 48 feet in diameter and is 25 feet tall, it's composition is unknown and it is in no way is suspended by any device detectable. There is no pixel manipulation or overlay created by any artificial means, the craft is not supported by any means known.
The photograph below is an X-Ray of the original Billy Meier photograph from 1981 showing the UFO (which will be referred to as the craft throughout this document,) next to a tree while hovering over a Van just outside of Billy Meier's home. The X-Ray photographic process allows details not otherwise able to be seen to become visible: giving insight to contrast. The red arrows on the top of the craft point to windows that have a translucent material that permits light to travel beyond their surface. The red arrows on the bottom of the craft also point to a translucent area allowing light to travel into the craft and could be considered viewing areas or an observation area on the lower portion of the craft.
While APEP was able to look inside several windows this was not part of this survey, we will say that the craft windows show the inside of what you might expect to find in an Extraterrestrial space craft. The creators of APEP claim capacity to capture images to the microscopic level and employ patented light/dark filters that allow extraction of images beyond current technology used in conventional extraction processes. They have also imaged the entire area around the craft including the van, trees, buildings, hillside, and objects not visible to the naked eye or light magnification. This information will only be released if requested by Michael Horn or Billy Meier and remains secret at this time. There are three green arrows pointing to a high energy wave disbursement, it was picked up during the X-Ray imaging process which we will discuss in more detail below.
The side by side photographs below show the comparison of the original photograph and a X-Ray/Infrared combination image. The photograph on the right side shows what is believed to be an electrical field surrounding the craft. The red arrows point in the direction the field is emitting high intensity electrical waves that are most intense under the craft while waves above the craft are negligible. Infrared energy is just one part of the electromagnetic spectrum that encompasses radiation in a thin region of visible light found in infrared, microwaves and radio waves, these are all related and differentiated in the length of their wave. All objects emit a certain amount of black body radiation as a function of their temperatures. In this case we see a field created around the craft created by an outside force that is causing a disturbance, this disturbance was duplicated many times over in our laboratory leading to our conclusion. APEP has imaged many vehicles, buildings, airplanes, UFO models and other object but could not duplicate the discharge surrounding the Billy Meier craft. In fact, the electrical discharge wave was repeatedly duplicated in the Billy Meier photography, this observable evidence was considered empirical evidence. It was also observed that the vehicle below the craft has been affected by the electrical waves causing the Van to tilt slightly to the right. It was noted that the hillside slopes slightly to the right but is exaggerated by the electrical wave field in our opinion.
The image below is the enlarged photograph of the electrical field generated around the craft showing a distinct disturbance. This Theory is based on what is believed to be an antigravity prolusion system stabilizing the craft. Although invisible to human eyes and most cameras, equipment used here can allegedly detect multiple spectrums of invisible light, heat, and radiation. APEP conducted many experiments and in every case found the field surrounding the craft distinct from any other object in the test survey.
Below is a Toy model photograph from 2008 of the Billy Meier craft in X-Ray, notice the lack of any electrical field generation or of translucent material on the craft. This is just one test performed to try and duplicate the electrical wave field that surrounds the 1981 Billy Meier X-Ray photograph. APEP also looked at the entire surface to determine if any similarities could be make to the Billy Meier 1981 photograph, there were none found. This is the first of many facts that suggest, in the teams estimation, that the Billy Meier photograph is authentic and unduplicated in a laboratory setting.
The image below is the original Toy model photograph as taken by debunkers before X-Ray photography was applied. The distance to the Toy model is estimated at 5 feet, this photographic imaging was an attempt to give size to the Toy model but is considered child's play in professional photographic imaging.
The photograph below is a Toy model of Billy Meier's craft setting on top of a toy car photographed using X-Ray photography. Once again no electrical field generation or translucent materials appear. The APEP team felt that it was impossible to build a model that could contain the size and scope of the Billy Meier craft after careful examination.
The image below is the original Toy model photograph before X-Ray imaging.
The image below is an X-Ray image of the leading edge of the craft showing a pictograph image. Every UFO imaged by APEP over the last 5 years has had pictographs on the exterior, it is the opinion of APEP's creators after studying hundreds of UFO's that the first clue that a UFO photograph was faked is the omission of pictographs. These complex pictographs or Art work have very intricate details as will be seen in the photographs below, it is believed they are unduplicated by humans. It has been hypothesized that Extraterrestrial civilizations use pictographs to communicate who they are and where they are from. It is also thought that with such diverse life forms, languages would not pose a problem in communications using pictographs. An example that all can relate to is the Florida Gator's, this intercollegiate sports team can be recognized by there team logo (pictograph), located in Gainesville, Florida it is immediately identifiable at a glance.
The pictograph found on the leading edge of the craft is specific to this Alien Race, under light magnification there are additional pictographs embedded on the larger pictograph image. The Theory that pictographs tell a story is more compelling than ever, pictographs or Art are used by Colleges as Mascots, on Flags, and Helmets for Football players, just think of all the pictographs used by humans. Humans use pictographs in the form of logos for Corporation, Military Fighter Squadrons to name just a few, that tell you who they are and where they are from without saying a word, it only makes sense that Aliens use pictographs to tell their story. The fact that Billy Meier's photograph has this amazing pictograph on it's surface gives it validity. This image was duplicated under many different photographic processes and is certifiable in it's appearance on the craft. This is empirical evidence that is beyond the scope of denial, it is in fact embedded on the exterior. This is not an opinion and can be proven in the laboratory every time during scientific processes.
The enlarged photograph of the pictograph shows multiple faces and designs embodied on the image. If you look closely there seems to be two heads on the leading edge, in the up coming photographs of the second Billy Meier photograph taken in 1984 you see the same crocodile image. APEP examined the eye of the large Head and believe it is used for imaging objects, it maybe a camera of sorts.
The second part of the survey deals with a photograph taken by Billy Meier in 1984, if you look in the upper left hand corner you will see 84 written in ink, this was said to have been taken from inside one of the UFO's while in flight by Billy Meier.
In the background you can see a UFO in the center of the photograph, this is of special interest as it is part of a much bigger story, one that may come to surprise the Worlds population but not Billy Meier. Billy's representative Michael Horn told me in a phone conversation that the Aliens monitor all communications on Earth, that the Aliens have special crafts that monitor all human activity. We have examined this issue and believe we have the "smoking gun" photographic evidence that could prove this to be true.
The photograph below is an X-Ray image of the two crafts as taken by Billy Meier from inside the Alien craft. The larger craft at the bottom has a pictograph on the leading edge and is similar to the pictograph in the first Billy Meier photograph. But, there is a slight difference in the fact that it looks like a crocodiles head and body. Special note, the green craft in the distance will be referred to as a Scout craft for the rest of this survey (special note, there are three different types of Alien crafts photographed in this survey). The red arrow points to the enhanced leading edge of the main craft in the 1984 Billy Meier photograph. The pictograph and has many similarities to the 1981 Billy Meier Pictograph with the most obvious the crocodile head. This leads to the conclusion that each craft has it's own designation or pictograph which identifies and distinguishes it from the others. In the 1981 photograph the same face is seen just below the Bulls head, this clearly shows the crafts are related to each other.
The first photograph in the black box shows one of the Shuttle craft up close. It is estimated to be about 20 feet in diameter. Billy Meier has stated some of the Alien crafts are pilot-less and are used for monitoring human activity. If you look closely just below the jaw of the Crocodile you will see a pink image as a dot, this is a Shuttle craft when magnification is used. This is of tremendous importance as this same craft or one identical to it is in the 2008 Toy model Debunkers photograph.
The combination photograph shows the leading edge of the main craft for the 1984 Billy Meier photograph with a smaller Shuttle craft just below the Jaw/snout of the pictograph we have called "The Crocodile". This same craft is of special interest as it will be seen in the 2008 Toy model Debunkers photograph.
The photograph below shows an enlarged image of the Shuttle at a distance. Keep this image of the Shuttle in mind as we attempt to prove the Theory that Aliens are monitoring the human population. The fact that the same Shuttle craft could be in the Billy Meier photograph from 1984 and in the 2008 Toy model Debunkers photograph, seems uncanny.
The photograph below was taken in 2008 by the same toy model builder seen in earlier photographs in this survey. The Toy model was to demonstrate how Billy Meier's UFO could be duplicated, instead the Aliens interjected themselves into the Debunkers photograph. What is so profound about this photograph is not the toy model, it in no way represents the reproduction of Billy Meier photograph except that it contains the same Shuttle craft. The Shuttle craft was found under high magnification and then easily imaged using X-Ray imaging. The UFO you will see is in fact the same Shuttle craft or one identical to it seen in the 1984 photograph by Billy Meier.
The image below is the first enlarged image of the Toy model produced by the Debunkers to prove it was possible for Billy Meier to make a Toy model and fake the photographs. The red arrow points to the Shuttle craft, it appears the Aliens were monitoring the activity of the Debunkers, the proof can be seen in the photographs below. This revelation will have a profound effect on the way humans understand how our actions are seen by the Aliens, likely every detail of our lives is monitored.
The photograph below is an enlarged photograph of the area just to the lower right of the tree, the Toy model replicating Billy Meier's UFO photograph. The Shuttle is either the same craft as seen in the 1984 photograph or an identical craft of which there may be many. The Aliens might have had prior knowledge that the people involved in trying to Debunk Billy Meier were making a Toy model and hanging it from this tree. Perhaps the Aliens posed for this photograph knowing at some point it would be discovered and vindicating Billy Meier to the world. The appearance of the Shuttle craft in the 2008 photo suggests several conclusions, all electronic communications are monitored by Aliens as stated by Billy Meier. The Billy Meier photographs should be considered real, based on the photographic evidence provided in this survey the photographic scientists concluded.
The photograph below is an X-Ray image of the Shuttle craft showing it is the same or an identical craft as seen in the 1984 Billy Meier photograph. Billy Meier's photographs are said to be part of his interaction with a race of Aliens who wish to help the human population, and that all communications by humans are monitored.
The photograph below is an enlargement of the Shuttle craft, its design is consistent with the design of the main craft or Mother ship in both the 1981 and 1984 Billy Meier photographs. The Shuttle craft is also producing an electrical field around itself as seen in the first photograph taken by Billy Meier in 1981 photograph. The photographic evidence seemed so overwhelming that it was conclusion of the scientific team that Billy Meier's photographs are real. Look closely at this 2008 Shuttle craft image and compare it to the 1984 Shuttle photograph below.
Billy Meier's 1984 UFO pictograph and Shuttle craft and the evidence provided gave the APEP team great confidence in saying that his photographs are likely to be real. After comparing the photograph above and the photograph below of the Shuttle craft their conclusion was that Aliens are monitoring electronic communications.What do you think?
