Seeking the paranormal at the Rutger St. mansions

Seeking the paranormal at the Rutger St. mansions
October 15, 2010
By WKTV News

UTICA, N.Y. (WKTV) - The Rutger St. mansions once played host to prominent figures in their hay days. Now they are worn down pieces of history. Inside their walls, some believe ghosts exist to tell their story to anyone who dares to listen.

The Ghost Seekers of Central New York recently spent some time in Rutger 1 and 3, using hi-tech equipment to see if spirits really do wander the halls. Bernadette Peck, the founder of the group, said they came away with evidence that most times they don't.

Peck gave NEWSChannel 2's Megan Koskovich a tour of Rutger 3 and pointed out rooms where they say they found paranormal activity. Click on the video to watch and even hear an audio clip of an unexplained voice.

You can also take a tour of the mansions on Saturday October 16th for the "Spirits of the Night" event. The Ghost Seekers of CNY will be giving tours and explaining their evidence. It goes from 6:30-10:30 p.m. at Rutger Park. Tickets are $20.
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