Sleep paralysis versus UFO abduction
Sleep paralysis versus UFO abduction
September 16, 2009
Chris Steele
UFOs and extraterrestrial abduction is a highly controversial topic that has been discussed for over sixty years now. Carl Jung explained in his book Flying Saucers that extraterrestrial abductions were a result of sleep paralysis. Often times during sleep paralysis people can experience seeing lights, hear loud noises and/or feel like they are whirling through the air. ABC recently did a primetime special about UFO abduction and abductees. To paraphrase the show, ABC pretty much concluded that most of these UFO abductees were experiencing some sort of delusion or sleep paralysis.
Recently the first lady of Japan explained how she had a dream that she was taken on a UFO craft to the planet of Venus. There is no substantial proof that she was abducted by a UFO. Logically it is safe to assume she was experiencing some sort of dream or sleep paralysis. Without empirical evidence of an extraterrestrial abduction it is hard to know if an UFO abduction claim was real, a hoax, an unexplained occurrence or just sleep paralysis.
Sleep paralysis is regarded as a good explanation for extraterrestrial abduction but physical markings are not a side effect of going to sleep. Whitley Strieber who was the author of Communion says he was abducted by aliens and that there is an implant in his head that was most likely put there from extraterrestrials. Strange objects, scars and even markings that glow under a black light after an alleged extraterrestrial abduction definitely points to something other than sleep paralysis. This type of evidence could provide some proof that extraterrestrials are abducting humans or point to an elaborate hoax.
Stan Romanek who was also interviewed in the ABC UFO abduction special has a very interesting story that doesn’t pertain to sleep paralysis at all. He claims in his book Messages that after he tore his ACL he was abducted by aliens and that they fixed his knee. Stan Romanek has a picture of his knee that was photographed the day after his abduction, which shows three scar-like holes on the side of his knee. Stan Romanek also explains how an implant was taken out of his hip that was sent off for examination at a university. After being examined by a very strong microscope it indicated that the implant had microscopic gears on it that was out of our technological capabilities. Sleep paralysis does not give you physical implants to send to universities. Physical implants also do not give you pragmatic evidence that there are extraterrestrials taking people from their homes.
From the famous Betty and Barney Hill abduction story to the million other UFO sightings and encounters, there is evidence that needs to be investigated. There is no doubt that sleep paralysis can explain some of these cases, along with the reality that hoaxers will do anything for fifteen seconds of fame but even if one of these million claims are true then none of that matters. As more attention and exposure surrounds the extraterrestrial abduction phenomenon, hopefully more undeniable evidence will be uncovered.
