So, You Want to Know the Secret of How UFOs REALLY Work? It's simpler than you think.
So, You Want to Know the Secret of How UFOs REALLY Work? It's simpler than you think.
August 16, 2009
Above Top Secret
I'm not one to dabble in the whole UFO scene much ; I've seen a lot of the disclosure project testimony and I previously acknowledged that advanced propulsion technology existed, but the level of disinfo surrounding the subject had kept me away. However, after watching this interview regarding the Nazi Bell technology - I started thinking.
I am a layman but it occured to me that a UFO could function a LOT like a submarine, or a zeppelin - that is to say a vessel containing a medium significantly less dense than that of what it travels through. In the case of UFO's the medium is a LOT freeking lighter - specifically it utilizes DARK ENERGY, which has no electrons and is thus invisible to the naked eye. This substance makes the so called UFO's function as a balloon filled with hydrogen would if it were pushed under the water, except we're dealing with a substance with significantly less mass than even hydrogen - which would explain quite PERFECTLY why so many people (if you check into the testimony) report seeing these devices go from smoothly sailing along to making a 90 degree turn and zipping into space, accelerating to a speed of thousands of miles per hour in an instant without a sound.
After having this thought I googled "Dark Matter Balloon"and came up with this article:
"Anti-gravity propulsion is nothing new. But those who have worked with anti-gravity propulsion research know that creating lift is easy but creating lift that can be navigated is not easy. One reason that we do not use anti-gravity propulsion systems in unclassified flying crafts is that the navigation becomes extremely difficult. Even complex computer models are struggling to solve the puzzle.
Bangalore is the city of computer scientists. In the middle of hustle and bustle of cyber research and development, a group of engineers and astrophysicist are close to announcing a major breakthrough- they are working on a concept that can provide cheap source of anti-gravity propulsion though the use “dark energy†– a controversial subject matter in the world of astrophysics. Sources tell us that the secret project is funded by the Indian Space research Organization (ISRO) and DRDO, the defense research establishment in India. We could not confirm the source of the funding and who's really involved in the project.
"All that you need for anti-gravity propulsion is creating an environment where gravity takes a back seat and dark matter takes over the propulsion system."
So, with that aspect of the device explained the questions become:
How do they get these things to sink? If it takes after the submarine it could simply take in hydrogen or other gasses from the lower atmosphere to give it enough mass to sink, at which point you simply have to figure out how to get it to move where you want it to. If you've ever tried to hold a balloon under the water, you can comprehend the difficulty of this (heh).
The other key matter is how they obtain the dark matter and concentrate it within the vessel - it could be as simple as building these things up there, or capturing it from some reaction here on earth.
Now, in closing: fish think of speed in terms of swim, and if they saw a balloon rising they would wonder how the hell it moved so quickly. Likewise we cannot think of UFO's in terms of "Fly" because it is in reality SINKING - resisting upward and not downward push. To understand UFOs you need simply to INVERT your thinking. I'd like to see the community here at ATS come together and collaborate research on this matter- fill in some of the blanks of this mysterious subject and, as the motto goes, deny us some ignorance! S&F if you dig it!
