Soldier reports 'glowing green orb' at Fort Sill Army post
Soldier reports 'glowing green orb' at Fort Sill Army post
July 17, 2012
by Roger Marsh
A solider at the Fort Sill, OK, U.S. Army post reports an early morning sighting of a "dull-green, glowing orb that slowly descended" toward the ground level on July 17, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness and other soldiers were preparing for a brigade run when the object was first seen.
"I felt a strong urge to look at the sky for some reason, a feeling I usually do get before a UFO is nearby," the witness stated. "Soon in the direction I was looking I saw a dull, green orb that seemed to come from out of nowhere off in the distance. You had to have been looking in the exact direction it appeared or you'd have missed it."
The witness described the object's movement.
"It descended slowly, dulled out almost entirely, and then it swelled up and glowed the most brilliant green you could ever imagine, stopped a moment as it did, then it began to speed up and shoot downward with a glowing, golden-yellow flame with a reddish, orange outline with a tail, almost looking like a meteorite burning up."
The witness thought the object was peculiar.
"But the way it descended and then suddenly stopped was very peculiar. It was visible by many soldiers that were standing in a brigade formation and many of us agreed it indeed could be an extraterrestrial presence. It only lasted for 30 seconds and no sound was heard when it supposedly crash-landed and we thought nothing further of it."
The witness believes that the object landed on Fort Sill.
"It most definitely landed on Fort Sill, though in the area where artillery fire or field training usually takes place, however, there were no field training exercises or test fires going on at the time and we have no weapons that behave like that."
The reporting witness believes that there were many witnesses to the event.
"The exact number of witnesses is unknown, but I can confirm three other soldiers I know personally saw it, and I heard many other soldiers murmuring about it amongst several hundred, so I know a lot of other soldiers saw it."
In an unrelated report, another Oklahoma witness reported a "glowing green object" at the tree top level on June 5, 2012, in Case 40872.
"I saw a glowing, green object going from left to right (south to north)," the reporting witness stated. "It was maybe half a mile away, really hard to say the distance. It lasted just a few seconds. My son (age 31) looked up and saw it as it went behind the trees. It wasn't falling from the sky or being shot up, just going straight."
No images or videos were released with the MUFON report, which was filed on July 17, 2012. Fort Sill is in Lawton, OK, 85 miles southwest of Oklahoma City. The above quotes were edited for clarity.
Oklahoma is a current UFO ALERT 5 rating, with a low number of UFO sightings nationally. Oklahoma had 9 reports in June 2012 - the 26th highest reporting state while California had 84 reports - the highest reporting state in the nation.
You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page.
The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Oklahoma MUFON State Director Steven White investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to
OK, July 17, 2012 - It was a dull-green glowing orb that slowly descended; it then brightened a bright green, and then bolted down burning with orange, red and golden flames with a tail and appeared to crash. MUFON Case 40877.
Me and some soldiers here at Fort Sill were getting ready to go on a brigade run. I felt a strong urge to look at the sky for some reason, a feeling I usually do get before a UFO is nearby. Soon in the direction I was looking I saw a dull green orb that seemed to come from out of nowhere off in the distance. You had to have been looking in the exact direction it appeared or youd have missed it. It descended slowly, dulled out almost entirely, then it swelled up and glowed the most brilliant green you could ever imagine, stopped a moment as it did, then it began to speed up and shoot downward with a glowing golden-yellow flame with a reddish orange outline with a tail, almost looking like a meteorite burning up. But the way it descended and then suddenly stopped was very peculiar. It was visible by many soldiers that were standing in a brigade formation and many of us agreed it indeed could be an extraterrestrial presence. It only lasted for 30 seconds and no sound was heard when it supposedly crash-landed and we thought nothing further of it. It most definitely landed on Fort Sill though in the area where artillery fire or field training usually takes place, however there were no field training excercises or test fires going on at the time and we have no weapons that behave like that. For those of you that wish to email me on the matter feel free to at [Email removed/cms/tg]. The exact number of witnesses is unknown but I can confirm three other soldiers I know personally saw it, and I heard many other soldiers murmuring about it amongst several hundred, so I know a lot of other soldiers saw it.
