SyFy’s planned paranormal series seeks displays of ‘School Spirit’

SyFy’s planned paranormal series seeks displays of ‘School Spirit’
January 18, 2011
by Cherlyn Gardner Strong
Voice of Tucson

SyFy is still cranking out those paranormal reality shows for our entertainment. They now plan to feature haunted high schools and colleges across the U.S..The title of the series is aptly named School Spirit.

The announcement of the series hints that our nation’s schools have displayed some level of interest in participating.

The premise of the hour-long weekly series is simple: Staff, students and parents will recount their tales of paranormal activity. The involvement of Seth Jarrett (Celebrity Ghost Stories) hints that those familiar re-enactments will supplement first-hand accounts of ghostly encounters. Mark Burnett, of Survivor and The Apprentice fame, will join Jarrett as executive producer. .

A debut date was not announced for this series
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