Texas Ghost Hunters
Texas Ghost Hunters
Welcome to the web site of the Texas Ghost Hunters! We are a small group of amateur (but enthusiastic) afficionados of the paranormal, located in Central Texas. Our quest is to look into the stories of Texas hauntings that have perisisted in the area for years, and seek the truth (or as near as we can come to it) in the tales. The stories are at once fascinating, frightening, and fun, although some are downright fraudulent.
The paranormal has always been an area of fascination for our members and we are enjoying the opportunity to explore this area further. Although we believe in the existence of ghosts, and in many other areas of the unexplained, our goal is not to convince others that ghosts exist, but to collect as much information as possible about an allegedly haunted area, and let the evidence speak for itself, whatever it might say. We expect that most of our investigations will turn up nothing unusual, or that any evidence of a haunting will turn out to have a natural, rather than a supernatural, cause. But we believe that with persistence and patience eventually we will have the information we seek.
We go into each investigation (or observation, more properly) with clear, open, and skeptical minds. We do not want to fool ourselves (or you) with suspect evidence and we invite any and all opinions on the information that we post. Though our resources right now are few, we are constantly adding equipment and investigative techniques to our repertoire and hope to grow and expand from a small, novice group of ghost hunters into a more serious, experienced crew.
