The Hotel Chelsea
The Hotel Chelsea
Haunted New York

But things could be worse: you could be staying at the Chelsea Hotel, where many a deceased famous figure is said to dwell. Dylan Thomas, Eugene O'Neill and Thomas Wolfe have all been spotted in spirit form. Be particularly careful when you ride the elevator: the ghost of Sid Vicious (lead singer of the Sex Pistols who died of a heroin overdose) is reported to linger on the lift.

If you'd rather not visit the Chelsea, you can always get a glimpse of its impact on artists of the era: Leonard Cohen wrote the song "Chelsea Hotel" and Andy Warhol made the film "Chelsea Girl" to commemorate the seediness of this establishment. Or visit it online. Living With Legends: Hotel Chelsea Blog is all about the past (and present) Chelsea Hotel and veers into nostalgic remembrances of its bohemian and artistic days.

Hotel Chelsea
222 W 23rd St
New York NY 10011
Telephone: (212) 243 3700
Fax: (212) 675-5531
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