The Idanha Hotel, Boise Idaho
928 West Main Street
Boise, ID 83702
Phone: +1 208 342 3221
Fax: +1 208 342 1209
You won't find much information about this place on the net, so I'll tell you what I was told and what I've experienced for myself.
There were three murders in this hotel and one assassination attempt on a state governer in 1901. As for the murders, one was a bellhop on the fourth floor and an old man who stepped outside his room at the wrong time. You can still see the spattered bloodstains trailing from door to door in one section of the hall from these. But the worst one was what happened on the sixth floor. This is where the most ominous and energy draining presence is, and I have other problems when I go up there. There are also bloodstains in front of certain doors on that floor. The man who runs the art exhibit in the basement gallery told me a couple months ago that janitors have tried and tried to get the stains out, but they always come back. Shades of Canterbury Ghost here.
Back in 1999, I talked to the lady(I forgot her name) who used to be the front desk manager. Both she and the manager of the art gallery told me that the front lobby(now a bistro) would get so cold that they'd have to step out of it. That they would sit on the outside perimeter until it went away. The elevator would come uncalled, or not at all(I esperienced this myself a couple years ago). He also said that he lived there for three years and for at least a year couldn't get an outside line on the phone. That the phones would ring all over the hotel. They had them fixed so there was no physical reason for this. What the lady told me was especially disturbing about the murder that happened on the sixth floor, and her and a friend's encounter with the male ghost that perpetuated it. She said according to a story that had been handed down over the decades, this middle aged guy stabbed his wife with sissors while she sat in a rocking chair knitting. She thinks he hid her body in a storage area in the basement because every time she went down there she got a sense of dread and couldn't stay there long. She told me one of her friends had a nightmare while staying in one of the rooms(I never asked her if it was in or near the room where the murder occurred) where he appeared to her. He had wild uncombed white hair and crazy looking eyes. She said she also saw the ghost of the woman he killed hiding in a closet saying "Don't let him hurt me again!"
I think the scariest thing I was told was about a guest staying in the hotel who actually got pulled out of BED by one of the ghosts!
Now here's my personal experience.
The first time I stayed there(not my idea, mind you) was when I was nine in the mid 70s. My aunt used to live there, and I wish I'd known about the ghosts back then or I would have asked her if they ever bothered her. The old manager seems to think so, because she worked there at the same time my aunt was there. I asked the manager about my aunt possibly being plagued by hauntings, and she said, "there was a lady there who had epilepsy and she had to move out after only a couple months because it got a lot worse." I'm sure that was my aunt unless there was another middle aged lady there with the same problem. She couldn't remember my aunt's name though. Still, it sounds like her. My parents used to visit her a lot at this place, and that I was there overnight at least twice. I remember telling my parents I didn't want to stay there overnight again because of what happened. Of course, they told me I only had a nightmare. I never saw anything, but what I felt scared me so bad I moved from the bed by the door and climbed into bed with my grandma. I remember one night I was in a room with my mom and she kept calling out one of my other aunt's names like she was yelling for help. I was afraid to wake her but wondered what was disturbing her. She wasn't in the habit of talking in her sleep. As for what happened to me, I just remember feeling terrified there was some guy standing in the room over my bed that I couldn't see, or staring at me through the wall on the other side. The presence was overwhelming and very menacing. In my dream he had been a black shadow walking down the hall and stopped at our room. He seemed to latch on to me like a magnet and it scares me to think of what he would have done had I not woke up. I still felt the presence even then, and crawled in the other bed by the window with my grandma, who I woke up and told what happened. She fell right back to sleep after that so I don't really think she heard me anyway.
Flash forward to the late 90s, where I learned of the hauntings for the first time after reading about them in the Boise Weekly for their Halloween sketch. That was when I called that previous manager(she's no longer there after it's been converted to apartments) and heard all those stories. I should mention even the construction workers noticed weird things going on when they were renovating. Like objects being moved, the elevator malfunctioning(I realize this can be caused by bad wiring, but they said they had it fixed) and odd noises like whispering. Three years ago I went there with an excuse to look at apartments, so I could see what the new rooms looked like. The first one the realtor showed me was on the sixth floor. I didn't feel right up there and was jumpy until we moved down to a lower level. We had to take the stairs because the elevator wouldn't come when we called it. For some reason, even though there were murders on the fourth floor, the feeling isn't as bad there. It's the top one that's most disturbing. Now I want to move on to what's happened to me the last two times I looked around. I had a friend with me and she noticed the same sensations, although not as strong as I was feeling them.
Both times there was a rancid stink on the sixth floor that smelled like old blood and rotten food. It went beyond just the musty smell of the old walls and floor. And both times I got dizzy and felt heavy like I was about to collapse. The longer I stayed up there the worse it got. Even more disturbing was the air seemed heavier and darker. I don't know if that was an apparition or what, but it was like I was always walking through something that obscured my vision. My eyes would get sparkles on the backs of my corneas trying to adjust to it. My friend felt cold spots, but I always felt like I was burning up and get nauseated. It was like I was imploding from the inside and both times I've had to walk out of there fast because it just got worse and worse. The longest time I've been able to stay up there was ten minutes. Once outside I was fine. I wanted to go back to see if I would feel the same sensations and it never changes. I don't want to go back again because it's literaly crippling. There is a young woman who lives up there and I don't see how she stands it, unless she's just immune from the hauntings. I'm so sensetive to it I can't even stay up there for a few minutes before it starts getting to me. I also notice there are hardly any tenants living there on those floors. There are several rooms that have been boarded up and had the keyholes blocked even. The few I can see in are empty. That's disturbing in itself.