The Obama administration’s startling UFO connections
The Obama administration’s startling UFO connections
June 11, 2009
Alejandro Rojas
f you are unaware of the prevalence of this subject among those close to Obama, you should find this article very intriguing. Now, I have no knowledge of Obama actually having ridden on a UFO, or communicating with Extraterrestrials. Honestly, there are no indications that he has any interest in the subject whatsoever. However, his chosen Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and the man in charge of his transition into the White House, John Podesta, have shown great interest.
Transition Project chairman, John Podesta
Let’s start with the most vocal of the two. John Podesta served on Bill Clinton’s staff from 1993 until Clinton left office. Podesta’s final position was as Clinton’s Chief of Staff. He is now advising the Obama administration as well. He has remained influential in politics as the Founder and President of a respected liberal think tank called the Center for American Progress.
It has always been known that Podesta is a big sci-fi buff. He made headlines during his tenure in the White House when he had an X-files themed birthday party. He was especially keen on that series. For a man at his level to have an interest in sci-fi is not that unusual. However, to attend a press conference at the National Press Club, and ask the government to release its secret files on UFOs so that scientists can determine the nature of the phenomena can justifiably be called startling.
In 2002, the Coalition for the Freedom of Information headed by journalist Leslia Kean, along with the Sci Fi channel, held a press conference at the National Press Club to address the issue of secrecy regarding the subject of UFOs. At that meeting Podesta stated, “It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old, and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon.†He made this comment in front of many major media representatives in attendance. The video can be seen below.
Freedom of information was a major concern for the Clinton administration. In fact, Podesta was in charge of a project to declassify millions of government documents. Did Podesta not find the UFO documents he was looking for in those stacks of declassified files? We do know that Podesta was not alone in the Clinton White House when it came to searching for the truth behind the UFO mystery.
John Podesta
John Podesta (Image Credit: Center for American
Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton
Files retrieved in Freedom of Information Act Requests submitted by researcher Grant Cameron of contained two letters from the mid-nineties regarding correspondence between Laurence Rockefeller and President Clinton’s Science and Technology advisor, John Gibbons. The letters were regarding Hillary Clinton’s assistance with Rockefeller’s initiative to release UFO information to the public in 1995 and ‘96.
Laurence Rockefeller fights for disclosure
Laurence Rockefeller, one of the Rockefeller heirs, worked diligently during Clinton’s administration to fund research in UFOs, and to get official government information released. Laurence, who passed in 2004, was by no means a black sheep of the powerful Rockefeller family. He held a seat on the New York Stock Exchange, and was the founding trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for forty-two years. He was a venture capitalist who was involved with among other things, the rise of the computer era. He helped shape history, and now he wanted the public to be informed about UFOs and was seeking Hillary Clinton’s advice on how to present this to the President.
In the Rockefeller-Gibbons letters, they refer to Hillary and Rockefeller discussing a letter to the President about evidence regarding UFOs and lifting secrecy on Extraterrestrial technology. Another letter between the two referred to keeping the first lady’s office up to date on Rockefeller’s efforts.
Does this confirm that Hillary was interested in the subject? Perhaps not, perhaps she was only helping Rockefeller out of friendship or respect. However, there is other evidence that suggests her husband was certainly interested.
Hillary Clinton and Obama
Hillary and Obama (Image Credit: White House
(Pete Souza))
Clinton’s search for the truth
There are actually many instances where Bill Clinton mentioned looking into the UFO subject. You can read many of these at Cameron’s Web site, one of the more interesting stories was printed in a book by Clinton’s friend William Hubbell. Hubbell was a friend of the Clintons from Arkansas, and was actually indicted for fraud in the Whitewater scandals. Before his indictment he was assigned to the Attorney General’s office as the Associate Attorney General. Hubbell wrote in his book Friends in High Places: “Clinton had said, 'If I put you over at Justice, I want you to find the answers to two questions for me,' Hubbell recounts. 'One, who killed JFK. And two, are there UFOs?' Clinton was dead serious. I had looked into both, but wasn't satisfied with the answers I was getting."
In a recent interview with Grant Cameron, he told me that he felt that he had amassed enough evidence to show that the Clintons were interested in the subject of UFOs, but that not even the President has the power to demand that sort of information. He doesn’t have the need to know. In an interview in Hong Kong, Clinton was asked about his UFO interests, and he admitted that he is sure that career bureaucrats withhold information from the President. You can watch that video below.
Americans need to know
When I had read about this whole saga, I was fascinated. If this is the first time you have heard of it, hopefully you are as well. Grant Cameron’s Web site is great, so be sure to read more there. I have read every word.
So what does this all mean? Well, if Obama, Hillary, and Podesta are in a meeting and the boss asks, “So what about this UFO stuff?†He will be sure to get an ear full, and it is a conversation I would love to hear.
Does it mean that Obama will seek UFO information like Clinton? If Cameron is correct, they will need to try some new tactics. They will also need to weigh whether it is worth the effort.
Proponents of disclosure point out the benefits of the technology. They argue that if ET technology has been obtained in secret that it would be able to help us with the major issues facing the world today, such as the energy crisis. ET technology might be able to help us get off of our dependence on fossil fuels, and open up a whole new world of clean energy. That is, of course, if ET technology has been recovered, and if we can make heads or tails of it.
I personally don’t feel that secrets are conducive to a healthy democracy. Voters need to be informed if we are to make responsible voting decisions. That is what drives my support for disclosure. However, what goes on behind the closed doors of the White House is anyone’s guess. At least the danger of distraction by philandering with interns has most likely decreased.
