The Paranormal Puck

The Paranormal Puck
July 28, 2009
Mack Davis

What is the paranormal puck? It is a device that is said to help with communication during a paranormal investigation. It is also states that this device is for entertainment purposes only. Right from their website it says" Serious Investigators will appreciate the features of the Paranormal Puck Tie your investigation together in one place with all the data time stamped logged and ready for review.". So what is it?

From what I read when going thru the manual is the best use of this device is for documenting the environmental conditions. This includes the EMF and temperature data collection. This device also has a list of the 2000 most used words in the English language. They say this list is scrambled 9 times to make it as random as possible. Well that just tells me that there is a predetermined word for any particular reading, oh wait their manual says that also. This basically means don’t use this tool for communication.

My other concern is how does this measure the electromagnetic field? Our group will be presenting a paper at the East Coast Paranormal Investigators Conference in October of 2009 on what we are actually doing with these meters. Based on some of our research to date I am sure that this device is not a good determining factor where EMF is concerned. That leaves the thermometer portion of the device. Ok a computer generated thermometer, hmm, isn’t there a better way?

There are many devices out there that are good for use in paranormal investigation. I utilize a data logger for all environmental conditions. This device is set before I leave for a location and is the size of a pen. We have live listening devices we utilize for immediate responses to EVP’s and we measure the environment constantly with EMF detectors and IR thermometers. All of which can be hand carried.

Have you guessed my thoughts in this device yet?
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