The Queen Mary
The Queen Mary
1126 Queen's Highway
Long Beach, Ca. 90802
(562) 435-3511
Paranormal Shipwalk Tour
Experience the Queen Mary through the eyes of a psychic in this guided tour. This tour takes you on an authentic ghost exploration, where you visit all of the "Paranormal Hot Spots" not accessible to the general public. Prepare for the unexpected - visitors have often reported forms of unnatural activity, including audible sounds, smells, temperature changes and occasionally, visual activity. The tour lasts about two hours.
Price: $50 per person*
Thursday, Friday & Sunday Only - Tour starts at 8 p.m.
Availability limited. Children 12 and under and infants are not permitted on the tour. Comfortable attire is recommended due to the considerable amount of walking and standing. Guests are encouraged to bring flashlighs and cameras (still photography only). Video or digital recording cameras are not permitted.
Explore haunted locations,
like Door No. 13 in the engine room
Paranormal Investigation Tour
Personally hunt ghosts using the "tools of the trade" in this tour designed for those who want a chance to delve deeper into the paranormal world. Guests, led by Beyond Investigations founder Pat Wheelock, will be taught how to use the professional paranormal ghost hunting tools to help unlock and locate the haunted mysteries on board the Queen Mary. The tour is approximately 2 hours in duration including ghost hunting devices instruction and explanation time.
Price: $75 per person*
Every Friday at Midnight
Availability limited. Children 12 and under and infants are not permitted on the tour. Comfortable attire is recommended due to the considerable amount of walking and standing. Guests are encouraged to bring flashlighs and cameras (still photography only). Video or digital recording cameras are not permitted.
What to wear: Comfortable clothes. Cool comfortable clothes in the summer and warmer clothes in the colder months. Tennis shoes, walking shoes, comfortable work boots... Please, NO high heels or open toe shoes or sandals.
What to bring: You may bring anything you can comfortably carry for several hours up and down stairs: Still cameras, tape recorders, digital audio recorders, hand held paranormal investigation equipment as in thermometers, EMF meters, ESD meters, IR motion detectors, compass, notepad and pen, tape measure, flashlights, glow sticks, etc... It is suggested that you bring a bottle of water for the investigation. Please feel free to take all the pictures, and audio recordings you wish but please be courteous to others around you (Don't point the flash of your camera into anyone's eyes, please keep your audio reviews confined to the "speak areas").
What not to bring: As listed above, please do not wear high heeled shoes, open toed shoes or sandals. Do not bring alcohol or drugs as you will not be permitted to participate in the investigation. Do not bring chewing gum or mints (the chewing will be picked up by the audio recorders and mints tend to overwhelm ones sense of smell). Do not bring anything that you cannot comfortably carry up and down stairs for two + hours.
We will be going over the equipment both supplied by the BIM Team and brought by guests. Each area to be investigated will have an area set aside ("speak area") to ask questions, learn the equipment and hear the reported paranormal activity.
Dining with the Spirits (Dinner and Tour)
Upscale dining at the award-winning Sir Winston's, followed by an intimate tour of the ship's paranormal host spots. During dinner, your paranormal guide, psychic Erika Frost, will share stories and conversations with guests, before taking you on a tour (approximately 2 hours in duration) of all the haunted areas of the Queen Mary.
Price: $109 per person*
Saturday - Tour starts at 7 p.m.
Availability limited. Semi-formal attire requested for dining. Children 12 and under and infants are not permitted on the tour. Comfortable attire is recommended after dinner due to the considerable amount of walking and standing. Guests are encouraged to bring flashlighs and cameras (still photography only). Video or digital recording cameras are not permitted.
Dining with the Spirits price includes: dinner, tour, tax, gratuity and parking fees. Alcoholic beverages sold separately.
* Returning to Friday nights starting June 13.
Twilight Historical Tour
See the Queen Mary like you've never seen it before with the classic historical tour, now offered at nightfall. On this tour, guests will be given a unique look at the history of the ship.
Price: $12 per person*
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - Tour starts at 6:45 p.m.
Availability limited. Comfortable attire is recommended due to the considerable amount of walking and standing.
