The UFO navigation interpreted as fluctuations within Quantum Vacuum – no wonder terrestrial science can never see extraterrestrial UFOs
The UFO navigation interpreted as fluctuations within Quantum Vacuum – no wonder terrestrial science can never see extraterrestrial UFOs
August 2, 2009
India Daily
This article explains why the traditional physicists resist the concept of any extraterrestrial UFOs. Our terrestrial physics is blind. It just cannot ‘see’ the navigation within higher spatial dimensions or in quantum vacuum. In this article, we explain why revision of our standard basic description of gravitational phenomena is necessary, either by the introduction of dark matter or energy, or by a modification of fundamental laws of mechanics or gravitation.
Forces induced by vacuum fluctuations do not raise any problem with respect to the principle of Special Relativity. The reaction of vacuum vanishes in the particular case of uniform velocity. This property is easily interpreted in the quantum formalism. The vacuum fluctuations appear exactly the same to an inertial observer and to an observer at rest. The principle of relativity of motion conforms to the standard model in vacuum under Lorentz transformations, so that, within the quantum framework, a precise relation is established between this principle and the symmetries of vacuum. More generally, vacuum forces also vanish for uniformly accelerated motions and this property corresponds to conformal symmetry of quantum vacuum. In this sense, vacuum fluctuations set a class of privileged reference frames for the definition of mechanical motions. But the existence of effects associated with non uniform motions in quantum vacuum challenges the principle of relativity of motion in its more general form of acceptance. Observable effects may be produced, like a reaction force against motion, although no reference for this motion other than vacuum fluctuations themselves may be available. This means in particular that the space in which motion takes place can no longer be considered as empty. This is because vacuum fluctuations are always present, and that may constitute a universal reference for determining dissipative motions.
The observations from classical astrphysics require a revision of our standard basic description of gravitational phenomena, either by the introduction of dark matter or dark energy, or by a modification of fundamental laws of mechanics or gravitation.
No wonder our terrestrial physics is blind. No wonder we still fight over the existence of UFOs. It is time for physicists to challenge the basic fundamental laws of mechanics and gravity.
