The famous 2 questions - part 6 how ghosts manifest
The famous 2 questions - part 6 how ghosts manifest
July 22, 2009
Bobby Nelson
Now that we briefly touched on the different types of haunting, lets go just a little bit deeper and talk about what a ghost may be. One thing to always keep in mind when working in the paranormal investigation field is everything is theory, nothing is fact.
So what is a ghost? Simply put a ghost, apparition, spirit, soul or what ever one may call it is thought to be the personality or consciousness of a once living being that somehow survives bodily death.
For thousands of years people have reported full bodied manifestations of ghosts, but how does this happen? Lets look at some theories.
Stone Tape Theory
Stone tape theory is one possible explanation on how residual apparitions can manifest. It is believed that some hauntings happen when a tragic or traumatic death occurs (although this is not always the case). What happens is this energy is somehow absorbed and imprinted in the environment preferably stones, rock formations and even buildings. Possible stones that absorb this energy is limestone and quartz. Now in this theory somehow this energy can be released, although it is not known how, some believe that environmental factors play a role in allowing this phenomena to manifest. For those who don't know what a residual haunting is, one analogy that is used time and time again is to think of this apparition as a recording sort of like a DVD. Its does the same thing over and over again, paying no attention to people and modern day surroundings. it has a course that it follows and that's all it will do. Again research has shown this phenomena is not limited to the dead, for more info on this please refer to part 5 in this series. The stone tape theory actually comes from a British play called "the stone tape" which was released in the 1970's. In the play a group of scientists find out that the root of the haunting comes from an old Victorian mansion comes from a room made of stone.
Water Tape Theory
Another way residual manifestation may happen is by water. For a few hundred years people have been using a technique called homeopathy. In this form of alternative medicine the person who is sick is given a remedy, which includes a natural therapeutic agent. This doesn’t sound so bad except the agent itself can be toxic or even deadly if ingested. The way this works is the agent is diluted with water and aggressively shaken which causes a chemical change which then makes this remedy effective. The hypothesis is that somehow water is able to store the memory of the agent before it was diluted. There have even been successful cases in which the agent was diluted so much that no traces of it could be found in the water. Meaning that it was nothing but water given to the person who was sick, yet they did in fact get better. So the question comes up again, did the water somehow store the memory of the original agent? If so what does this have to do with ghosts? Well since most things on this planet are made up of water could it be possible that some how the water is trapping the memory of a human? Well remember that one of the most important steps in homeopathic medicines is not only the water but the excessive shaking. This causes a small electro magnetic charge which could be the key in how the memory is stored in water.
Without getting all fancy lets think about this, suppose a situation that involves high emotions and energy happens, and the water in your body (which is holding the memory of you) mixes and bonds with the other moisture in the surrounding area. Thus holding an imprint of you in a specific location. Now if a person were to breath in this imprinted moisture, it is possible it may spark something in the brain allowing one to see the event or person that has since passed.
Other Dimension Theory
There is a theory that ghosts may not be dead, but living people from another dimension. An analogy I once read made perfect sense. Imagine a bunch of bubbles in your sink. Think of each bubble as its own private universe, but every so often two bubbles will connect and make a sort of a doorway to the other. This theory also suggests the possibility that when people report seeing apparitions dressed in clothing from a period long gone, we may be catching a glimpse of reality in another world. This theory is alive in time travel science, but it can get a bit complicated.
Electromagnetic Theory
This theory has to be split up in two sections. first we will look at probably the most popular theory in the paranormal community and that is ghosts are made up of or somehow manipulate the electromagnetic field. This always reminds me of the first law of thermodynamics which states energy can not be created or destroyed. Energy can be transformed and being that our body is electromagnetic it makes sense that our spirit or ghost could also be electromagnetic. If the field is strong enough the ghost could then manifest itself, if not it must draw its energy from some other source, creating the ever so famous cold spots, there have also been reports of spontaneous static or electric like impulses in alleged haunted locations. This is why we see so many ghost hunters walking around using EMF meters. Although there is no way to know if ghosts can emit an electromagnetic field it is difficult to prove this theory. Honestly we only have some sketchy reports that EMF meters spike during paranormal events or that the electromagnetic fields are higher in supposed haunted locations. But the question still remains, is it a ghost?
This brings me to the second part of the discussion. One thing that is very interesting is that a man named Michael Persinger discovered that ghost like hallucinations can and have occurred when certain individuals are exposed to low frequency complex magnetic fields. Could this be the cause of ghost sightings? Could this explain why some people see "ghosts" and others don't? Or could it in fact explain why different people experience the same thing independently? Yes you read that question right, a group called MADS (Magnetic Anomaly Detection System) had a test called the “haunted bed†in which different people experienced the sounds of children crying. The most logical explanation on how this may have happened is that people react the same to the exact amounts of magnetic energy.
Hopefully you all found this information useful, just remember none of these theories are fact. Everyone has the right to believe in whichever one they want, personally I subscribe to all of them in a way. Anyway thank you kindly for reading.
