The host with the ghost
The host with the ghost
May 30, 2009
Slough & Langley Observer
GHOSTLY activity is happening all around us at Observer HQ, according to a team of paranormal investigators.
Researchers Southern Paranormal claimed to have made connections with a large, important man and a woman gazing out from a window, waiting for a gentleman.
As the paper’s appointed ghost writer, I was given the task of spending the night in our 14th century building with the team as they attempted to make contact with whoever or whatever was out there using equipment electro-magnetic field meters, a thermal imaging camera, digital cameras and dictaphones.
As daylight faded and the ancient building in Datchet Road, Slough, became shrouded in darkness it was certainly difficult not to be spooked by the eerie creaking sounds as the thick timbers settled down for the night.
It was in the ground floor great hall, with its original central fire pit and timbered minstrels gallery, that the team made their first ‘connection’ with a ghostly presence.
The investigators, drawn from all walks of life, have explored many reputedly haunted buildings including Jamaica Inn in Cornwall and the National Trust’s Eastbury Manor House in Essex.
Although they use equipment in the hope of recording any findings, the investigators work by making mental connections with any ethereal presence.
Thus it was that they came upon the imposing figure of a large man seated on a raised dias.
Elias Kupfermann, of Slough, described the spooky encounter. He said: “He was of some importance and we felt obliged to bow to him, though he was dressed in rough clothing with no finery. The name Egbert or something similar was picked up. It was felt that he was of 14th century date.â€
I did not feel any presence myself, but the female members of the group told me ‘Egbert’ felt communicating with them was beneath him and he would only speak to the male members.
The great hall was obviously buzzing with night-time activity as during the visit there were four separate reports of seeing a glimpse of someone walking towards the ladies toilets and the sound of footsteps.
Moving upstairs to a store room, with the remains of old inscriptions on the walls, the group sensed the presence of a lady dating back to the early 19th century.
Mr Kupfermann added: “She was looking out of the window as though waiting for someone.
“We later picked up that her name was either Elizabeth or Eliza with a possible surname of Brooks and that she was waiting for a gentleman called George.
“We felt that she looked after children and it was sensed that there was a rocking horse in the room.
"We tried a glass divination (using a glass to spell out a message) but it produced no results.â€
Some of the findings were similar to that of last week’s investigator, spiritualist Nigel Townsend, who claimed to make communication with a maid named Elizabeth, though he thought her to be from pagan times.
I was disappointed not to experience any of the connections myself – but mighty relieved to get back to my own bed after being left on my own at 3am before dawn broke over Upton Court to lock up the ‘haunted’ building.
To find out more about Southern Paranormal visit the group’s website at
