Thornewood Castle
Thornewood Castle
Lakewood, Washington 98498
As human beings we search for the deep meaning of life because a still small voice within whispers there is something more. Are there spirits/ghosts? Can they make their presence known? What are they doing here? Many more questions arise and each requires another question.
The facts are these, we came from somewhere, we are here for a purpose, and we are going somewhere else. There is life after death. Ask anyone who has ever had a near death experience, including Deanna, and they can tell you the reality of life after death. When you move on from this existence you have a life in a world where everyone is spirit. We can’t see or reside in that world in our human form, but it does exist. Each person is uniquely different, but one thing for sure you are who you are and there is not another like you.
Here & today, we are busy, active and occupied with our daily lives. In the spirit world they are doing the same thing. However, from time to time the veil becomes very thin and the two worlds meet for a moment and we have what might be called an “encounter” with a spirit/ghost or perhaps an angel.
These “encounters” as we will call them most often happen when we are in a special, quiet place. Many guests feel Thornewood Castle just happens to be one of those places. Sometimes we get a glimpse of spirit/ghosts going about their routines, sometimes they are trying to reach and help us, and angles most often are trying to help, protect, teach, and guide us. All of the above have been reported here at Thornewood by guests.
These occurrences are not something we can guarantee you. They happen for their own rhyme and reason beyond our understanding and are meant just for the people who have these experiences.
Deanna can personally attest to life after death, that there is a God who loves us, and that it pays to be good and help your fellowman as you and you alone will answer for your own life.
We do not host evil spirits nor negative energy. We have many reporting’s of angels and heavenly energy. If we have as many angels as one blind guest told us, we have many indeed and invite you to take one home with you when you visit. Some guests have reported having visits with deceased relatives, others describe Thornewood as a vortex (like a train station for spirits).
Thornewood Castle is a place of peace and sanctuary. The house is known by many for having a life of it’s own and many guests feel renewed and blessed after a visit.
We welcome your visit and hope you find your own peace.
PS: If you have a ghostly/spirit visitor while staying at Thornewood there will not be an extra guest charge.
Paranormal Investigation Results
We have been asked by various paranormal groups to permit their study of Thornewood Castle, which we have permitted on a very limited basis. We do not have time to honor all the requests we receive and we are very selective about who we permit into our home and what is done. One such group in 2003 was the Washington State Ghost Society (WSGS), lead by their past President Henry Bailey, himself a widely published paranormal author:
"Thornewood Castle is the most magical of places I have visited. has an extremely high degree of energy and that energy is healing. ... Thornewood seems to be in a special spatial displacement of time... It has all the features conducive to what people consider a haunting to incorporate. ... Without a doubt, it is the most uniquely haunted location I have ever visited."
Henry Bailey
NOTE: Please visit the website for more information about ghosts at Thornewood.
