Tides Inn By-The-Sea
Tides Inn By-The-Sea
252 Kings Hwy
Goose Rocks Beach
Maine 04046
The Tides Inn-by-the-Sea
The Grand Yellow Lady of Goose Rocks Beach Sits high above those who return to the Mysteriously Divine Call of the Tides.
For she was formerly Known as the New Belvidere in her first life. Her threshold was graced by such famous guests as Theodore Roosevelt and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. She was spared by the horrendous fire of 1947 – when many were not.
Her shingle-style lines were given to her by John Calvin Stevens – reminiscent of times gone by. Her proud stature of relaxed elegance shines from generation to generation.
She beams brightly for those who appreciate her and weeps quietly for those who cannot understand her purpose.
For those caught on her spell… her doors will remain open for their seasonal pilgrimage to their "other home." Destiny has brought us to her doorstep – Prophets to carry on her traditions and wishes marked by more than a quarter of a century now.
We wish to thank Emma Foss for following her dreams and making ours come true! - Kristin & Marie
The Tides Inn By-The-Sea was built as an inn in 1899. Emma Foss, the original owner of the inn, commissioned John Calvin Stevens, a famous architect, to design the inn in the authentic shingle-style manner that he was famous for in the Maine seacoast towns of Bar Harbor, Portland, and Cape Elizabeth. Emma Foss, now our resident ghost, oversees all improvements made to her inn and lets us know if she disapproves of any changes made. Her story is told in "Haunted Inns of New England," by the author Mark Jasper.
The Innkeepers:
The Tides Inn is owned and operated by a Mother and daughter team. Location, location, location is what brought Marie and daughter Kristin to this beautiful place By~The~Sea, in 1972...and the two have been actively enrolled in the "Inn keeping School of Hard Knocks" ever since. They welcome you to come and experience what has brought couples and families back to the Inn's threshold since 1899.
