U.F.O’s The Early Sightings
U.F.O’s The Early Sightings
October 6, 2010
The Blunt Blogger
Unidentified Flying Objects have been a high profile mystery since 1947.
Some U.F.O. researchers have suggested that the distant sightings are the only true U.F.O’s.
One of the earliest group of sighting reports came the ‘Foo Fighter’ which was during the Second World War.
British and American pilots reported seeing orange, red or white lights around their aircraft, often keeping pace with them in flight.
It was believed at the time to be some kind of German weapon, but after the war ended it was discovered that similar reports had been made from the German pilots as well.
The Fighter Group made several reports:
November 23rd, 1944.
Lieutenants Schulter and Ringwald watched a formation of around ten red lights at speed over the Vosge Mountains, and four days later Lieutenants Giblin and Speyer saw a huge, orange, glowing sphere south of Mannheim.
June 24th, 1947.
Kenneth Arnold was flying near Mount Rainier in Washington State, USA, when he saw nine objects in formation and estimated their speed at 1,300 and 1,700 miles per hour, their distance from him to be at approximately 45-50 feet.
It was this sighting that began the phrase, “Flying Saucer.â€
The estimates were not considered reliable at the time however, Kenneth Arnold’s sighting was given respect. J. Allen Hynek, who was then working for the US Air Force’s U.F.O. study group, Project Sign (Arnold’s was Case 17), stated:â€It is impossible to explain this incident away as sheer nonsense.â€
Many Pilots have reported sightings:
Flt. Lt Saladin over the Thames Estuary, 1954, Bentwaters Lakenheath in 1956, goose Bay, Labrador 1954, IL-14 over the Ukraine in 1967, Shanx Airport, China in 1978, and Captain Barker over Queensland in 1965.
U.F.O’s have been detected on radars and even filmed.
January 16th, 1958.
A Brazilian vessel was in the South Atlantic. A group of Military Personnel from the ship saw a ‘Saturn-shaped UFO. Four photograph’s were taken and developed in a darkroom on board the ship, the case detractors and Project Blue Book listed it as a hoax, however the testimony of the witnesses so impressed the President Of Brazil that he vouched personally for their ‘authenticity’.
October, 1973, Captain Coyne, 1st Lieutenant Jezzy, and Sergeants Healey and Yanacsek were flying a helicopter to Cleveland Hopkins Air Force Base, it was a clear night. About eighty kilometres from the base, Jerry saw a bright red light to the left which he thought was unusually brighter than the navigation lights of an aircraft, just a few minutes later Yanacsek saw a red light to the right which appeared to be following and closing in on them. As the light got bigger it appeared to be on a collision course with the helicopter, however it stopped abruptly, hovering in front of the helicopter. Coyne, Healey and Yanacsek all saw a grey, cigar-shaped, metallic object filling the helicopter’s entire front windows, from the base of the object a green cone of light swept over the helicopter as if it was being scanned. The object hovered for a little longer before it flew away.
This details of this sighting was corroborated by five people on the ground.
No one is sure how many such sightings have taken place around the world but it is estimated at around, 40 million.
However one thing is for sure:
A small selection of key cases suggest a real, and important, phenomenon, and it must be remembered that there have been many cases where the witnesses have everything to lose in respect of their careers, credibility, their social standing, and in most cases they have nothing to gain financially.
“The Truth Is Out There!â€
