UFO Abduction Report
UFO Abduction Report
August 29, 2009
Gregory Brewer
"UFO abduction accounts indicate that if you really don’t want to be abducted invest in an air-conditioner or a fan. Avoid sleeping with an open-window if possible or install bars. "
Greeting readers:
These are comments taken from a an article written by Michael Cohen after having investigated reports of increased UFO abduction incidents in Australia.
This author sleeps with a fan every night and has for 30 years as well as keeping a large dog very near my bedroom. We do not leave our windows open late at night and our dog is very attentive to strange sounds and movement around the property. Just playing it safe if you know what we mean. We do not know what it is about the fan that detours ETs from getting too close to their subjects, perhaps its the EMF generated by the fan that interferes with their technology.
Note this: Abductions happen all over the world so stay aware of your surroundings.
With that being said lets move on the this fascinating article featuring UFO abductions courtesy of Michael Cohen and Allnewsweb.
George is a bank manager who lives in Sydney, Australia. He is aged 34 and single. He has always had stable employment, is tertiary qualified and has no history of any psychological problems. He is as ‘normal’ as the next guy. Other than going to see the odd alien themed movie once in a while he has never taken any interest in UFO related topics: Until last year.
In January 2008 something happened to him that he is unlikely to ever forget.
‘It was a hot night. I had the window wide open and was lying in my bed next to it trying to get a cool breeze happening. I was drowsy but definitely not asleep. Then I began floating out my window and over Sydney. I wasn’t nervous but felt a bit surprised, like what the hell was happening. It was as if I had been sedated, thinking back. I saw the city pass by under or at least felt as if it was and then thought I might have been going over some bush or mountains’
‘I was on a platform and then on some kind of operating table in a chamber within a UFO, I think. I noticed odd ‘furniture’ in the room: if you could call it that- unusual spheres and pyramids. There were beings over me. They appeared to be wearing white robes or togas of some sort. I could not see their faces or any bodily features. Nothing in this UFO chamber looked human. What looked somewhat like a dental or baking instrument was then inserted into my backside and pulled out and put away.’
‘I don’t recall the trip back but woke up suddenly back in my bed. It did not feel like I was dreaming. I am certain this really happened. A UFO abducted me’
Similar experiences have been retold by Sydney residents of all vocations and all ethnic backgrounds. Lawyers, doctors, gardeners and teachers have all told me similar things. Their stories have a remarkable consistency.
Since investigating abductions I have divided possible abductees into two very distinct camps. On one hand you have people who have always had an interest in paranormal and alien related subjects. These people will often claim to have been abducted many times, and might allege to have been communicating with aliens since childhood. Their abduction stories vary wildly. I don’t take these claims too seriously.
The other group consists of people you would least expect to make up abductions stories. Totally conventional people without any real interest in UFOs or extraterrestrials. Some are working class, many are professionals. In Australia there is a senior politician who believes he was abducted and floated into a UFO from his bedroom.
In Sydney one hears the same descriptions over and over again from this group: Being floated over Sydney's suburbs to an area many feel is situated in the nearby Blue Mountains or Central Coast where a waiting UFO/laboratory hovers just above the ground. Odd pyramid and sphere shaped furniture in the operating room. Most recall being dropped off on some kind of platform before being led to the operating table. Beings in white robes are often mentioned as is the stereotypical anal probe.
I must say I do not believe that there is any part of the human psyche that compels thousands of individuals to imagine or dream of being anally probed by aliens. And if it is suggested that the media puts this notion in people's heads, then why this particular activity? Most abductees who claim this was done to them swear they were completely unaware of the concept prior to their experience.
Other fascinating similarities include the fact that while many of the first, less credible group of UFO abductees will claim to have been floated thorough walls, the second more credible group almost always allege to have been floated through a nearby open window. More intriguingly these abduction experiences almost always correspond to bedroom windows that really were wide open on the night they were abducted.
Another common factor in the more credible abductees accounts is that, with few exceptions, they were alone in their homes when the event took place.
I make a point of driving past the homes of abductees that contact me. I have noticed other common factors that in no way can correspond to the psychology of the abductees. Usually abductees will live on wide open, boulevard type streets and the window they floated through will face this street. There are never any bars on their bedroom windows. A large percentage of abductees are single men who won’t be missed for a few minutes of absence at 3am.
This tells us a few things. The aliens doing the abducting are advanced: but they can’t float people through walls. They like to make things easy for themselves. Many ufologists equate the ability to travel faster than the speed of light with the ability to do anything. This might not be the case.
More than anything else the aliens doing the abducting don’t want any corroborative witnesses. They don’t mind the abductees knowing what occurred but they want to keep their activities otherwise secret. They go to extra-ordinary lengths to this end..
It appears that cloaking technology is used to disguise any bodies floating through the sky and abductions are done in the dead of the night. it is also believed that the entire abduction process is completed within minutes.
Sydney UFO abduction accounts indicate that if you really don’t want to be abducted invest in an air-conditioner or a fan. Avoid sleeping with an open-window if possible or install bars. Most abductions occur during Australia's hot summer.
These accounts hint at something else that many UFO experts suspect. Aliens are in control of their interactions with us. It is they who will or will not decide to reveal their presence to us and the time of their choosing.
It seems that the aliens doing the abductions are not aggressive and I often console confused and scared abductees by letting them know that they have experienced something special: Their own personal confirmation that we are not alone in the universe.
