UFO Disclosure 2010: The Vatican's Key Role
UFO Disclosure 2010: The Vatican's Key Role
April 13, 2010
by Kelly Jad'on
Basil and Spice
Psalm 19 (1):"The heavens declare the glory of God."
Why is the Vatican supporting the idea of alien/extraterrestrial existence?
Assuming their existence is real and quite factual, can the human race stomach the broad daylight exposure of aliens? Are we ready for the truth?
The Vatican believes that we are. Recent assertions in the Vatican’s newspaper Osservatore Romano by Jesuit astronomer and Director of the Vatican Observatory, Father José Gabriel Funes states that the possibility of other life forms exists.
Father Funes follows in the path of former Monsignor Corrado Balducci, (died September 20, 2008 in Italy) who stated, “Let me state very clearly: We can exclude that angels use spaceships.†He believed that the possibility of life on other planets could exist, and is in fact “highly probable.â€
Disclosure Project founder, Steven Greer, MD has written that the Vatican is ready to be open on the subject. In fact, his book, Hidden Truth explains that the Vatican has been involved in UFO research for some time. In a conversation at the Vatican with former Monsignor Balducci, who at the time was a senior theologian to the Pope, Greer asked, “Do you think these extraterrestrials are a threat or hostile in any way?†Mon. Balducci answered, “Oh, not at all!....You know, God cannot be so foolish as to entrust all of his hopes for intelligent beings just on this planet….You know, I could not be saying these things unless I had the approval of Papa,†(the Pope). Greer adds (p.229) that within Opus Dei are cells with a “very dark view†regarding the disclosure of ETs and UFOs.
Jim Marrs, author of Alien Agenda, writes that the Reverend James A. Wiseman, chairman of the Department of Theology at Catholic University, said, “Personally, I’ve always believed we will find life on other planets.†(p.370)
St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968) stated, “The Lord certainly did not limit His glory to this small Earth. On other planets other beings exist who did not sin and fall as we did."
Ufologist Stanton T. Friedman, author of Flying Saucers and Science appreciates the open-mindedness of the Vatican. He wrote, “Father Balducci, who works at the Vatican, has appeared at some UFO conferences and made it clear that there is no fundamental reason to reject the notion of visiting aliens.â€
Why must the Vatican be involved?
The implications of UFO Disclosure strike at the very heart and nature of humanity. Stanton T. Friedman believes that UFO Disclosure will trigger a rise in church attendance and an increase in mental hospital admissions. The fact that the Vatican has stepped forward on the issue is immensely significant. The disclosure of other races in our Universe is mind-bending, and is indeed a spiritual issue, to the point that it is more of a mind-blowing shock than a disclosure. *82% of Americans believe in God. They will need informed spiritual leadership to explain the ramifications of other alien races. We will indeed discover that we humans are one, and we’ll want explanations regarding creation, faith, and redemption in relation to extraterrestrials.
If this disclosure is to proceed, it must be completed slowly, cautiously, and with an awareness that the eye of God is watching all of His creation.
Kelly Jad'on is the founder of www.BasilAndSpice.com, a daily content provider to online news organizations. Begun in 2006, using a SquareSpace blogging platform, Basil & Spice has become a dynamic blogsite hosting over 300 contributors.
