UFO Exposure 2010: Fallen Angels And The Protestants
UFO Exposure 2010: Fallen Angels And The Protestants
April 25, 2010
By Kelly Jad'on
Basil & Spice
“For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.†-- 2Timothy 4:3-4 NIV
The Protestants and Catholics tend to reside in opposing UFO camps. The Vatican, calling for UFO Disclosure and further astrobiological studies, and the Protestants, especially fundamental Christians, avoiding the the UFO phenomenon -- explaining it is nonexistent or referring to it as the acts of God's fallen angels. Sound a little out there? It is for many.
Ufologist and nuclear scientist, Stanton T. Friedman writes, "Some extremists in the Christian fundamentalist movement, such as Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell, have loudly proclaimed that there is no intelligent life anywhere but on Earth, and that this UFO stuff is the work of the devil. Kind of an insult to God to think that this is the best she can do. They would be up the creek politically if an announcement of alien visitations were made." (Flying Saucers and Science p. 157)
Christian Fundamentalist, Guy Malone, author of Come Sail Away: UFO Phenomenon & The Bible, is the co-founder of Alien Resistance, an organization “dedicated to offering Biblical perspectives on the UFO/Abduction phenomena.†He writes that aliens bring religious messages which are false and contradictory to the Bible and also states that aliens and fallen angels from the Bible possess similar powers.
Most interestingly, Malone and another author, Joe Jordan both cite cases where an alien abduction can be terminated in the name of Jesus. Joe Jordan is the President and co-founder of the CD4 Research Group and the co-author of Unholy Communion: The Spiritual Nature of Abduction Reports. A 15-year researcher of UFO phenomenon, he is the MUFON State Section Advisor for Brevard County, Florida --NASA area.
From Unholy Communion--(Christmas, FL 1976)
(Mr. D) was lying in bed kept wide awake by the barking dogs when paralysis set in. He was unable to cry out. He could see nothing but a whitish gray, like a mist or a fog, although he sensed something or someone was in his room. His wife didn’t awaken. The next thing he knew, he was being levitated above his bed. He then had the sensation he was being suspended by what felt like a pole inserted into his rectum. By this time he was alive with terror but couldn’t scream…
…..I thought I was having a satanic experience, that the devil had gotten a hold of me and had shoved a pole up my rectum, and was holding me up in the air. So helpless, I couldn’t do anything, I said, ‘Jesus, Jesus help me!’ or ‘Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!’…
When I did, there was a feeling or a sound or something that either that I had thought or the words that I had tried to say, or whatever, had hurt whatever was holding me up in the air on this pole. And I felt like it was withdrawn and I fell. I hit the bed because it was like I was thrown back in the bed, I really couldn’t tell, but when I did my wife woke up and asked why I was jumping on the bed.â€
In an exclusive comment to Basil & Spice, Guy Malone continues on the subject- "I find it very possible, or at least very believable, that 'black' or 'covert' ops programs are sometimes behind the abduction scenario, using America's beliefs in 'aliens' as their cover. Heck, that famous X-Files episode on abductions has already covered this for the mainstream...
That aside, I also see considerable evidence that fallen angels are capitalizing on this belief system.... fallen angels are .....(partly) behind the 'abduction scenario' .. and by scenario, I mean belief system. The Bible is full of 'visionary' experiences initiated by angels that didn't 'really' happen in our normal 3-D space-time, but did happen and were experienced as reality to the people in question. I'm just saying.. angels - including the fallen ones - have the ability to induce this visionary experience.
Scientific or 'black' MILABs aside, much research exists to show that fallen angels are indeed ALSO (at minimum) behind some of the experiences.â€
Speaking with Joe Jordan, he states, "Primarily, as a 15-year UFO investigator, I've found that 99% of the UFOs have been misidentified. Media has people thinking the worst, but I look for the most obvious reason first. The remaining 1% of unidentified reports have a paranormal nature to them. These entities---Christians refer to these as fallen angels. There are no extraterrestrials. Abduction experiences mirror angels of the Bible. However, their messages are always a false gospel—and speak against a true Jesus. They are doing their own evangelism. Through calling on the name of Jesus, abductees are able to terminate the experience from never happening again in their lives.
I show evidence of this in the testimonies of many people. It is the unwanted piece of the UFO puzzle. Secular researchers consider me the most hated man in ufology. These testimonies though are puzzle piece that I bring to ufology. But it will change their picture.
Trying to share this message with the American church is tough, because it’s so bizarre. Most pastors have not had to deal with this. Possibly 2 to 3 million Americans have had this kind of experience though, and it has changed their view of life. The church is not giving followers solid answers on this subject and we're incurring casualties of a cosmic war. It is a major deception. This phenomenon is for this time—it is the emporer’s new clothes—we’re losing people to this. It’s an awful shame."
Fallen angels, extraterrestrials, government agents.....twists in reality and new viewpoints.
