UFO over NC skies is 'unnatural' blue streak
UFO over NC skies is 'unnatural' blue streak
March 29, 2009
Roger Marsh
UFO encounters are frustrating. Everyone wants evidence, including photography from the scene. But even those witnesses with cameras in their pockets frequently come away with the same thought - "It happened so fast, I didn't have time."
While it's most interesting to read about the UFO low fly reports, many people see more distant objects like today's story from a young man in North Carolina. Most sightings go unreported, and many people do not know how to report a UFO sighting.
The largest U.S. UFO reporting network is the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), where you can easily file reports online at mufon.com.
The following is witness testimony from a 19-year-old in Greensboro, NC. Only minor editing was completed.
Well it was a few months ago, It was around 9-10 o'clock at night and I had gone outside with my friend, Garry, to go have a smoke. I was leaning with my back to my garage door, and so was he. My eyes no matter what are always glued to the sky because I have seen countless number of UFOs in my lifetime, take in hand I'm only 19 years of age.
Several of my real close friends and siblings have also witnessed several UFOs, all with me. Anyways, so as I'm sacanning the sky, out of no where there was this really bright kinda light blueish streak of light that started off small and grew large. It went really fast, and it was headed towards the ground.
Now I've seen meteors and comets and things of that nature and I can very well distinguish the natural from the unnatural. This was a very unnatural, almost artificial blue light streak.
Inconvientatly at the time, my friend was taking a drag off his cigarette and missed what I just had witnessed. It didnt streak across the whole sky, just a small portion. I could draw a picture of it I can remember it so well. It was close enough to the point I was confident enough to drive my car in the direction I saw it crash and find something. But I didnt regretably.
I thought that this object would show up on the news because I thought there was no way that something of that magnitude headed for the earth couldnt make the news. There was nothing. So the next day, I just about told all my family and friends. They all believe me because we have all witnessed UFOs together at least once, some more than once, so our airspace doesn't get much traffic around here. There's maybe a handful of private airports around here for single engine flyers and such. Very rarely do we get lots of bigger planes and helicopters.
On some occasions there have been black helicopters that fly over head and some fighter jets, but i can only account maybe twice that I've seen them. So the night after the UFO, my sister wanted to ride to the store for some beer, so I volunteered to ride with her. My friend Collin had hopped in also. We started driving, but one mile up the road when we noticed a lot of sky activity, I mean there was like a halo of helicopters spread throughout the sky, not like tightly knitted togther, just spread out thorughout the sky miles apart in a 360 degree realm.
I told my friends i thought it was a type of recon mission. We strated counting 1...2..3...4...up to 13.
We just stopped cause we kept counting more. We continued to the store, went back to my friend's house Garry's and showed him all the helicopters in the sky. It was a really erie feeling. The night after that, right where I saw the object go down, there were 5 helicopters several miles away hovering over the crash site. I knew they had found it. Whatever it was, it was important enough to send a full blown recon mission to find whatever it was.
I also have seen along with 8 other people a UFO hovering over our shore line at Oak Island...very distinct...very real...very ET.
Thank you for your curiosity and your time. I love talking about this because not many people believe me.
