UFO wonders: Buzz Aldrin speaks out
UFO wonders: Buzz Aldrin speaks out
August 25, 2009
Naomi Semeniuk
All News Web
he populace en masse is not aware to this day that the astronauts allegedly signed their secrecy oaths which is why they couldn't talk about any genuine UFOs while they were in flight. Loose lips today are not sinking ships but launching a new and exciting wave of truth driven factual information that's catching the fires of lit up minds who that handle what many UFO researchers regard as the truth.
In "Labored Journey to the Stars" Dr.Richard Boylan's masterpiece of inside UFO information there's an amount of important information about this mystical monolith that former US astronaut Buzz Aldrin recently talked about.
Aldrin seems to be tapping mankind on the shoulder and saying "Listen the universe has important messages for all of us and they're structures out there like this monolith and other life forms out there that should make you exercise your inquiring mind because this is also related to our place in the universe". At least that's what I'm picking up on from Buzz Aldrin.
In 1969 the Apollo 10 astronauts Stafford, Cernan and Young were claimed by some to be the first to approach and film an extraterrestrial monolith which according to the late and extraordinary Dr. Michael Wolf was a structure which emits light and tone signals and sends a mathematical language.
Dr.Michael Wolf is an unsung hero to me and his contribution to UFO and ET revelations are the crowning jewels of UFO studies and UFO facts that give more and more testimony to the fact that the universe is teaming with so many life forms and that our infinitesimal existence here is the most arrogant and ignorant that proves that mercenary human egos on earth are the nemesis to any progress of significance.
The instrumentation in Apollo 10 was purportedly affected. The priceless ET structured monolith which was, according to this account, retrieved from space had a message on it and also a map of an extraterrestrial civilization from the ET race which placed it there. A secret covert military team is said to have retrieved the monolith using the shuttle arm. The late honorable Dr.Michael Wolf who was a brilliant and most ethical scientist had a reverence for the monolith and fought to bring it back where it came from. The monolith was brought to earth in 1972.
Incidentally former Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell has also publicly stated as recently as March 2009 and before then in 1995 on Dateline NBC that earth is certainly being visited by extraterrestrial visitors and the information Dr.Mitchell received comes from many higher ups that he's been privileged to know. He re-iterated this at the March 2009 New York lecture with Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences: which Dr.Mitchell founded.
Dr.Mitchell recently wowed and thrilled an entire audience in New York City at this Institute. Dr. Mitchell was actually raised in the town of Roswell and he has put his honorable blueprint on that issue. As we now know according to him it really happened and it was extraterrestrial.
When Dr.Mitchell talked about being on the moon he talked about it from a poet's and philosopher's perspective because for Dr.Mitchell it was the greatest and most spiritual of experiences. What a shame then that those in the media covering UFOs are so unwilling to treat the topic seriously.
I can just hear the echoing haunting words of nuclear physicist and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman saying that the debunkers "have made up their minds and just don't do the homework". Isn't that an understatement of this epoch?
Former NASA chief of communications Maurice Chatelain as well as Dr.Gerry Anderson and Otto Binder have all alleged that the astronauts signed secrecy oaths NOT to mention any UFOS they encountered in space.
Some UFO researchers claim that in one of the space flights a tall, non human entity stood on a space platform and faced one of our astronauts. This has been backed up by the testimony of none other than Clark McClelland who was a ground astronaut specialist and who's informed about many of the wonders out there.
In my own rather radical vision Stephen Bassett, Dr.Richard Boylan, Major George Filer, Buzz Aldrin and former astronaut Edgar Mitchell along with the other astronauts who have seen unbelievable things out there in their space explorations might even launch studies in ET contact and UFO history in the nation's most respected universities.
My former producer and host Jim Rodger whose dynamic informative UFO related program "The Cutting Edge-The Truth Revealed" would also be a part of this UFO intelligentsia and so would our former co-hosts Kyle Dayton and Ed Martin all champions of UFO knowledge.
The head of such a study program might be the one and only Dr.Richard Boylan who's a scholar of many aspects of this phenomenon who's also a PH.D, a behavioral scientist, emeritus associate Professor of psychology a clinical hypnotherapist consultant and one hell of a dynamic UFO researcher.
The evidence of a UFO cover-up is simply overwhelming.
The unmanned probes of Phobos one and Phobos two were launched by the Soviets in the direction of Mars on July 12, 1988. This was a joint East West project with the US transferring their astrometrical observations to the Soviets. The Swiss and the French provided a special measuring device they had created together with the Russians.
American radiotelescopes were also on board to aid the Soviets. Phobos two was equipped with a laser device dubbed LIMA D aimed at the surface of the moon and exploding a mini explosion so that datum could be gathered. Phobos two was lost and also Phobos one was also lost. In January 1989 Phobos was to be transferred into orbit in tandem with its namesake. Phobos was to be explored but then the unexpected calamity occurred.
On March 28, 1989 no communication was transmitted to earth from Phobos two. It was the death of two of these probes that left an indelible enigma unresolved to this day. It was Colonel Baberdin in Russia who wrote an article called "Enigmas of Martian Orbits" and described a peculiar enigmatic spot on the Martian surface. Colonel Baberdin asked astrophysicists to study this strange enigma.
The device in Phobos Two was able to capture this inexplicable image. The image was a cylindrical 15 mile long object. In 1991 the pre-eminent Russian ufologist Marina Popovich went to Los Angeles to show a photograph of this unforgettable image of the cylindrical 15 mile long object just before the demise of Phobos two. For sure it's a haunting space mystery because something hit Phobos two and sent it in a spin and it was never heard of again. The logical conclusion would be that this 15 mile long cylindrical object was under intelligent control and wanted to sabotage the unmanned phobos probes which it did with its spitfire super non human force.
Some non-human intelligence out there was seemingly able to destroy these man made probes for reasons we can only wonder about. As all of these mysteries rise to crescendo levels, we have the monoliths that Dr. Boylan speaks of and educates his email list about. Buzz Aldrin dropped that little bombshell with his winning handsome dimpled smile about the monolith in Phobos but they're more to speak of and we can only imagine how many more are out there taking on a life of their own. For years I was bestirred with a rapturous wonder about the monolith in the classic film "2001 A Space Odyssey". It was the haunting resonating force that carried the film.
That image of that monolith in the classic many times revived film "2001 A Space Odyssey" never left my unopened third eye which stores so many images of things that always remain unanswered mysteries as we go about our routine waking life. The memory of that monolith stirred my senses as did the stewardesses and astronauts on that 2001 Space Odyssey spaceship as I lived it vicariously but the monolith spoke to me of an extraterrestrial repository of extraterrestrial history and power that we can only dream of seeing for real.
Now with Virgin Galactic making space tourism available and a New Mexico space port available to the masses who have the opulence to pay and go out there, perhaps space tourists who're paying the millionaires and billionaires for only price tag to go out there will get to see the monoliths out there in space.
I'm sure that our beloved US astronauts could never put a price tag on the wonders of the universe and deprive others from seeing monoliths, ETs and UFOS in space just because they weren't opulent enough to pay for the trip.
I recently learned that some UFO researchers claim that Arthur C. Clarke, who was of course the creator and author of "2001 A Space Odyssey" and who was a most prolific author of so much science fiction genius which now has become science reality genius knew about these monoliths because he worked in intelligence and was a CIA agent.
Needless to say I spun with excited curiosity about these rapturous revelations. To further resolve the cause of unresolved cosmic mystery ancient star nations created these pitch dark monoliths that Dr.Boylan told his email group about.
These three extraterrestrial beacons, the three monoliths that were stolen from space and finally returned were retrieved by military astronauts according to Dr.Boylan. When the three monoliths were brought to earth, Monolith number one was located in Nunavut Territory in Canada.
Monolith number two was said to be located atop the South Central Greenland snowy sheet east of Kangerlussuaq and monolith number three was located in Alaska next to the Grestle River Army Test Site. At least one of these monoliths was spotted by Apollo astronauts during flights to the moon. The power of the monoliths exert very potent electromagnetic fields that can mess up earth's energy lines and girds, disrupt and alter the weather and has been used, according to some, by sinister human forces on earth.
These three monoliths are said to be no longer on earth because it is claimed that a formidable team on earth, the Counter Insurgency Team, led by Colonel Shadow, led a project in which the Zetans came to retrieve the monoliths. Back when the monolith was transferred to a secret research facility around 1972, it was the prominent astronomer Dr.Carl Sagan and the late Dr.Michael Wolf who were part of the team.
It has been noted that those scientists who worked and researched the monolith for prolonged periods of time got cancer as did Dr.Carl Sagan and Dr.Michael Wolf. Some scientists are alleged by some to have died right on the spot when they tried to dissect the monolith.
The late Dr.Michael Wolf got colon cancer and so did a former CIA Counter Intelligence official connected to researching the monolith. Many scientists seem to have paid dearly to research the monolith. They were ignorant of the potential for danger. After the casualties of those connected to researching the monolith occurred, the research facility and scientific analysis was conducted underwater.
The next time there's a conference in Washington DC like the one in 2001 given by Dr.Steven Greer who was accompanied by more than 400 credible ex-employees of both the government and the military we should insist that the media to take serious note.
Credible scientists like Carol Rosin, who spoke at the conference, and worked with people like Werner Von Braun and retired Colonel Clifford Stone as well as many others are willing to testify before Congress that UFOs are real.
On October 9, 2009 NASA will launch the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter which will look inside the craters on the moon at the poles and look for frozen water and map the surface of the moon.
Simultaneously, the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing satellite will create a six mile plume and a crater 66 feet wide and 13 feet deep crater to search for water and I expect they'll keep quiet about whatever else they'll find but others will always know better and share the truth without trepidation. There are structures on the far side of the moon and according to Air Force Sergeant Karl Wolfe who also noted that these structures were built by intelligent non-human beings.
These intelligent beings out there must be egregiously appalled by the idiocy and sinister meanness of members of the human race who have not gotten their act together. I'm sure they already know the ones who have always gotten their act together because it's just a matter of honor. Go Buzz we applaud you!
