UFOs, alien abductions on ABC
UFOs, alien abductions on ABC
August 25, 2009
PMUS Intelligence ExaminerFred Burks
NOTE: Please visit the website to link to the video.
UFOs and alien abductions were recently featured in a primetime ABC News special titled "Alien Abduction: An Exploration of the Human Mind." Part one of this ABC documentary, titled "Abduction by Aliens: Meet the Believers," is available at this link.
Though this video documentary does question the reality of both UFOs and alien abductions, the numerous cases of normal, respected individuals featured are quite persuasive. For the first time ever by any major media source, ABC News has presented alien abduction from UFOs as a phenomenon worthy of public discussion.
For decades the mass media largely either ignored or ridiculed any person or group who believed in UFOs. And those who claimed to have been abducted by aliens were treated as nothing less than nutcases. The few solid reports raising real questions on UFOs were often buried in obscure pages of the newspaper.
As just one glaring example among many, on Feb. 28, 1960, former CIA chief Roscoe Hillenkoetter publicly stated, "Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense." This astonishing news from one of the most powerful men in government was reported in the New York Times, yet the article was buried on page L30 of the Sunday paper. Click here to learn more and to read this fascinating article in the archives of the Times.
As recently as May 9, 2001 at the prestigious National Press Club in Washington, D.C., 22 highly respected government and military witnesses testified on their personal involvement in a major UFO cover-up to a large hall filled with major media reporters. Yet the media reports of this landmark event, sponsored by the Disclosure Project, mostly laughed it off or failed to cover it at all. You can read the riveting statements of these and other associated Disclosure Project witnesses at this link.
Yet in the last few years, the media has gradually been changing its tune. CNN's Larry King began a series of shows asking hard questions on the UFO subject in late 2007. King's guests, who had remarkable experiences with UFOs, included a former astronaut, a former state governor, and key military officers who stood nothing to gain from testifying.
On May 14th this year, the New York Times published its first-ever article supportive of the UFO movement, which you can read about at this link. Then just last month, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, was quoted by ABC stating "the UFO phenomenon is real." And now ABC Primetime has aired this amazingly balanced video on alien abductions and UFOs. Thanks to the untiring efforts of numerous pioneers in the UFO movement, the major media appear to finally be engaging in serious discussion of the topic of UFOs and alien abduction.
There are many courageous individuals who have made powerful contributions which helped to bring this about. Dr. John Mack risked his career as a respected Harvard professor and a Pulitzer-prize winning writer when he published serious studies and several books on the alien abduction phenomenon. His documentary on the topic, Touched, is a classic.
Dr. Steven M. Greer gave up a lucrative career as the medical director of an emergency room at a large hospital to focus on bringing the UFO issue into public light. His successful Disclosure Project turned me and many thousands of others from skeptics to believers in 2001 with his National Press Club event. Many other dedicated individuals have sacrificed career and reputation to bring legitimacy to this important field.
The majority of these researchers believe the aliens overall are benign to friendly. Testimony by several government witnesses has described UFO craft disabling nuclear warheads in an apparent message of the danger of these weapons to the future of our planet. Following a prime directive not unlike that of Star Trek, the aliens may be waiting for us to stop our warring ways before the make their existence fully known.
Now it's your turn to play a key role in spreading the word. As ever increasing numbers of people learn about UFOs and the potential for transformation that they bring, the time draws ever closer when we can usher in a new epoch in human relations with our surrounding galaxy and universe. What an exciting time to be alive!
For a detailed essay with reliable information (follow the links provided) on the deeper meaning of UFOs and their involvement with our planet, click here. The box below also provides several ideas on what you can do to educate yourself further and spread the news. And finally, we invite you to comment below the box and let us know about your own experiences. Have you ever had an encounter with a UFO or been abducted? We welcome your stories.
