UFOs fail to fluster British military
UFOs fail to fluster British military
February 21, 2010
IF YOU'VE been kidnapped by aliens, don't complain to the British Ministry of Defence.
''Abduction is a criminal offence and as such is a matter for the civil police to handle,'' the ministry advised a constituent from Lancashire. ''The police can only investigate allegations of abduction if there is evidence to suggest that such a crime has taken place. As to date, the MOD is not aware of any evidence which might substantiate the existence of extraterrestrial life forms, the matter of abduction by 'aliens' remains a non-issue as far as the MOD is concerned.''
The British National Archives has released thousands of pages of the government's classically understated responses to sightings of flying saucers and other unidentified flying objects.
In one case, when farmers reported seeing a disc-shaped object on the grounds of an electronic signals monitoring base operated jointly with the US, the ministry issued this denial: ''No UFO/flying saucer has landed in the vicinity of Menwith Hill and the base had no connection with UFO research.''
While the documents contain no smoking space gun, they recall that some senior military figures took the reports of sightings seriously. Lord Mountbatten, the chief of the defence staff, ''believed UFOs were real and of interplanetary origin'', a briefing document from the ministry said.
And the documents acknowledge that of the 11,000 UFO reports logged between 1959 and 2007, about 10 per cent could not be readily explained.
A Birmingham man saw a triangular one hovering over his backyard. It left a ''silky white substance'' on his tree tops, which he collected in a jar.
Strange rotating red, blue, green and white flashing lights seen by police officers in the towns of Boston and Skegness and also detected on radar turned out to be nothing more unusual than bright stars and ''a 'permanent echo' created by a tall church spire in the Lincolnshire Wolds''.
