UFOs, visitors are here – situation mysterious, says author
UFOs, visitors are here – situation mysterious, says author
April 28, 2009
American Chronicle
This article originally appeared on the Transcendent TV & Media site.)
Well-known author Whitley Strieber's April 26 entry in the "Whitley's Journal" section of his Web site provides interesting reading about "disclosure" on UFOs and visitation to Earth by other intelligent beings.
In his entry titled "A New World, If We Can Take It," Strieber writes that, "the primary directions contact will take are two."
"First, and most important, it will be between individuals and the visitors, without any institutional barrier such as some NASA or Air Force officials directing our actions or laws restricting or channeling contact."
"Second, it will involve scientists working publicly on data that can be readily obtained in dozens of different ways, to make sense of contact in terms that are meaningful to us," Strieber says.
Strieber has a long track record of providing meaningful and valuable perspectives on subjects from global climate change to human consciousness to UFOs and visitation by intelligent beings.
Although he wrote several good novels earlier in his career, his 1987 book COMMUNION thrust him into the public eye more than ever. The book described his apparent contact with intelligent beings who appeared to be extraterrestrial and/or extra-dimensional. Several of his subsequent books continued the exploration of these topics.
Strieber's under-appreciated 1989 novel MAJESTIC presented an insightful scenario about what may have taken place surrounding the alleged 1947 Roswell incident.
What is some of Strieber's other current thinking on these kinds of unusual subjects? He writes that the apparent "shoot 'em down" UFO policy of the U.S. government was counterproductive.
Strieber seems to feel that this kind of stance by the U.S. government reflected a blocking of contact between humans and visiting beings.
This apparent governmental position "has blocked our evolutionary path and left us trapped on a planet that is becoming unable to support us and could, more or less at any time, start malfunctioning in ways that could induce a massive dieback of our species," Strieber writes.
In a hopeful view, he also suggests that we can optimize this kind of contact.
Strieber writes, "Of course there is another chance. But it does not involve our existing authorities and institutions. In fact, it has nothing to do with institutional authority except insofar as it must stand aside in order for contact to proceed."
He says, "As matters now stand, if there was an admission at the highest levels of the U.S. government similar to that already made by numerous other governments, there will follow an effort to manage information flow by directing the media to NASA, the U.S. Air Force and such quasi-governmental groups as the MUFON leadership. However, these groups probably have little to nothing of any value to offer."
"The release of the much vaunted 'secret knowledge' supposedly in possession of the US government probably doesn't much matter," he writes.
"It has most likely been obtained, for the most part, by people who lacked any real ability to interact with our visitors, and not only has little value, it might even be tainted by inaccuracies, incorrect conclusions and falsehoods that are designed to make us feel a need to hide behind the authority of the very institutions that would be releasing the supposed 'bombshells,' in an effort to terrify us into preserving them," says Strieber.
When he says "for the most part," Strieber might be hinting that he has a bit of faith that some U.S. military, intelligence and scientific personnel may have developed the appropriate insight about the scenario, or at least a constructive perspective.
Strieber appears to favor a more democratic and grassroots approach to the situation, suggesting that the academic community, scientists, researchers, journalists, investigators and average people become more involved in the situation.
According to Strieber, "If, in addition to the end of official denial and the constant scrambling of armed aircraft, there comes a properly constituted and new effort to understand by scientists who work outside of the U.S. government – for example, in the academic community – then there will also be a response."
"The more accurate the conclusions that enter scientific culture, the richer and more complex the visitors' reaction to them will become. Useful understanding will lead to the appearance of more information," he states.
But how do we follow Strieber's advice? This alleged situation of UFOs and visiting beings does not seem to be widely accepted at this time in the scientific community, the news media, some government circles or the general public.
Or, maybe it is just unclear how accepted some version of this scenario is. It seems to be steadily evolving.
Strieber provides the following guidance: "In reality, the way the visitors function and what happens to people in their proximity suggests that they perceive the world very, very differently from the way we do."
"For example, when you are face to face with the small gray beings that form such a large part of the presence we see, and figure so extensively in its folklore, there is no sense that you are with people. Rather, it's like being with animals who are much more intelligent than you are. This is because there is absolutely no cultural familiarity at all. None."
Strieber makes a possibly very useful comparison to humans and dolphins (cetaceans), and our comparative intelligence and consciousness. He notes, "How can officials engage with somebody whose meaning lies beyond a gap far more vast than that between us and, say, dolphins?"
"We haven't the slightest idea what cetaceans may be saying to each other, or even what language means to them, if anything. And our visitors – even those who appear to engage with us verbally – are far, far more different from us than any earthly species."
For those wishing to explore this aspect, there has been extensive research on dolphins that is well-documented and available on the Web. The work of John C. Lilly, M.D., is especially useful. Interestingly, Lilly investigated not only dolphin consciousness, but human consciousness as well.
Strieber notes that human consciousness, perception and awareness are part of the situation. He might be implying that our thinking logical minds can be combined with our alternative perceptions such as dreaming states, intuition and the human "sixth sense" to understand and deal with such a scenario.
He seems to recognize that government officials are in a difficult situation. There may be no easy answers about what approaches would be best. It is a complex and mysterious dilemma, at least to most people – and apparently including Strieber.
As he and others have pointed out, maybe it is supposed to be a mystery.
However, in his journal entry, Strieber ponders the day when a government official might announce, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have known for some time that a nonhuman intelligence appears to be present here. Beyond that, we have learned little of any value. Our own forces will now stand down, in the hope and expectation that the people and public sector science can learn more, and gain for mankind the value that appears to be available to us."
Read Strieber's entire journal entry at UnknownCountry.com.
NOTE TO READERS: For more information, visit the Joint Recon Study Group and Transcendent TV & Media sites and have a look around.
