UN Diplomat, 1964 Newspaper Article and Photos Solve Decades Long Mystery of UFO Case
UN Diplomat, 1964 Newspaper Article and Photos Solve Decades Long Mystery of UFO Case
December 6, 2010
PR Web
In 1975, Swiss UFO contactee, Billy Meier, took and released the first of his many stunningly clear UFO photos.
Or so people may have thought up until now.
But an old article culled from the archives of the September 30, 1964 issue of the New Delhi Statesman, a prominent Indian newspaper founded in 1818, reveals a far different story.
According to Michael Horn, Meier’s U.S. media representative, it may conclusively confirm Meier's amazing claims and simultaneously destroy all of the skeptical arguments against them.
"I recently came across a copy of the 1964 article that I had somehow forgotten about. While reading it again several important things caught my attention. There were details about Meier, hitchhiking with only a couple of bags and an old folding camera, then robbed of all his money when he arrived in Mehrauli, where he'd been unable to find any paying work, etc. His poverty and lack of resources eliminated any means, or opportunity, for him to make and photograph models of UFOs, as the skeptics would like us to believe. Of course many more witnesses who've seen, and even photographed the UFOs themselves, have come forth in recent years to vouch for Meier's truthfulness.
"The reporter himself saw 80 of Meier's UFO photos, many with the UFOs hovering above the ashram. We are fortunate to still have many of them, including the most remarkable photo, one that clearly shows Meier sitting on the ground, while 'a big, bright cross', as the reporter himself described it, hovers mysteriously above him, high up in the clouds.
“There's also a filmed interview with a now retired UN ambassador, a most highly credible eyewitness to these events, who also saw one of the extraterrestrials, a woman named Asket. She is the one who took Meier on some of his most amazing journeys over an 11 year period.
"All of this happened in a very remote area of India, far outside of New Delhi. It constitutes unprecedented historical documentation for a UFO case, more than one could ever imagine has been available, though mainly unnoticed for nearly a half-century. It simply checkmates every skeptical challenge and compels us to look deeper into the meaning the Billy Meier UFO contacts hold for all humanity. It also raises the question of why this one man has been at the center of this ongoing controversy for nearly 70 years."
