Was There a JFK-UFO Connection that Led to his Assassination?
Was There a JFK-UFO Connection that Led to his Assassination?
April 18, 2011
by Jill Stefko
Suite 101
he latest news about John F. Kennedy's assassination is that it was because he was going to publicly admit that UFOs and space aliens existed.
News item April 18, 2011: JFK was interested in UFOs before his assassination. There was an allegation that he might have riled his administration officials when he asked for information about them. The FBI created a new website, The Vault, that allows the public to see UFO documents. While history teacher William Lester was doing research for his book, A Celebration of Freedom: JFK and the New Frontier, he used the Freedom of Information Act to obtain previously classified documents.
Lester Finds JFK-UFO Connection Documents
The author discovered two memos, written by JFK on the same date, November 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination. One was to CIA director Richard Helms, asking for UFO files. The other was to NASA administrator James E. Webb, in which JFK expressed a desire for cooperation with the, then, USSR for mutual outer space pursuits.
Lester said one of JFK’s issues was that many UFOs were sighted over the USSR and he was concerned that the Soviets might misinterpret them as US aggression, believing that it was some of US technology and thinks JFK wanted to remove UFO files from NASA’s control.
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JFK-UFO Connection: MJ-12 Documents
Lester reprinted a 1961 letter written by rocket scientist and scientific adviser to JFK, Maxwell W. Hunter from the National Aeronautics and Space Council to Robert F. Packard from the Office of International Scientific Affairs, in his book. The memo was about the top-secret MJ-12 review describing an assessment of the UFO situation. This referred to a top-secret unit of military officials and scientists, said to be appointed by President Truman in 1947, to monitor aliens after a reported UFO crash near Roswell New Mexico. Finally, Roswell UFO Incident Information was Released Years After the Event.
In 1984, UFOlogist Jaime Shandera received an envelope that contained a roll of film that was developed into a 1952 document, apparently created for President Eisenhower about MJ 12. When these documents were made public about three years later, skeptics branded them “counterfeit.â€
Robert Wood PhD Researches JFK- UFO Connection
The physicist led a McDonnell Douglas team to study UFOs and the MJ-12 documents in the 1960s. He hired respected UFOlogist Stanton Friedman, the Nuclear Physicist who Said US Government Covered Up UFO Incidents, to help. They delved into reports. Their report wasn’t submitted to the government because it was a company project.
During the 1990s, Wood got a series of MJ-12 documents, including the burned memo, thought to have been written in the early 1960s, that was, allegedly, saved from being burned to hide important UFO information, including parts that referred to JFK. The memo references Lancer, JFK’s Secret Service code name. The first page of the memo, reportedly written by Helms, said that Lancer asked questions about their operations, which they couldn’t allow.
Was there a JFK-UFO Connection? - Public Domain Are JFK-UFO Connection Documents Genuine? - mconnors Are JFK-UFO Documents Bogus Like this UFO? - mensatic
Wood’s Conclusions about the JFK-UFO Connection
He thinks the most important set of documents are the ones that show that the US started the program in 1942, after recovering the first spacecraft in 1941, a few days after Pearl Harbor was bombed. Wood thinks the second most important one, is the burned memo.
The third most important documents were the ones that evidence what the US was doing about UFOs in the 1950s. The program wasn’t under the President’s control and when he was about to make it public, he was assassinated. Lester agrees with Wood’s evaluation.
Professor Lawrence Merrick: JFK-UFO Connection Led to his Assassination
The JFK researcher and author of Killing the Messenger: The Death of JFK believes that JFK was going to announce that there was US and space alien contact and he was killed by people in the US government before he would make his speech. Merrick said he began to search for the speech after learning that Texas Governor John Connally, who was riding in JFK's car that day in Dallas, had the President's original handwritten notes. He put the speech’s index cards in a safety deposit box with orders to a trusted aide that the contents not be revealed until after his death. When Connally died in 1993, the aide took the cards. Merrick found the aide, who gave the cards to him and was granted anonymity. Merrick took them to five handwriting analysts, who said the speech was 95% positive to have been written by Kennedy.
Research revealed that days before his trek to Dallas, JFK met with President Eisenhower. Merrick believes the meeting was about JFK’s intent to tell the public that UFOs and space aliens were real and the Roswell incident happened.
Helms’ Part in the JFK-UFO Connection
Thomas Powers, one of Helms’ biographers, called the former CIA Director a "gentlemanly planner of assassinations." In his book, The Man Who Kept the Secrets, he wrote that, in 1962, JFK wanted to assassinate Fidel Castro. Helms asked his friend, gun toting operative William Harvey, who recruited some of his Mafia friends to help kill Fidel Castro. They were unsuccessful.
In 1963, Helms contacted the dissatisfied former revolution hero Rolando Cubela, CIA name, AMLASH. At the moment that JFK was shot, one of Helms' agents was delivering a poisoned pen to Cubela in Paris.
Helms put respected senior staffer John Whitten in charge of reviewing all CIA files about Oswald, JFK’s alleged assassin. Whitten was outraged that Helms hadn’t divulged the Cubela plan to members of the Warren Commission, the panel that probed Kennedy's death.
Is the JFK-UFO Connection Genuine?
Are the link and MJ-12 documents real or bogus? Many mysteries surround JFK’s assassination. There are documents that won’t be released until after Caroline Kennedy’s death. The public didn’t believe the findings of the Warren report when it was released. There were conspiracy theorists who were vociferous about their postulations. The debate about JFK’s assassination will continue. Will we ever know the truth?
“The Gentlemanly Planner of Assassinations,†Jefferson Morley, Slate, November 1, 2002, Slate.com.
“The JFK-UFO Connection: Bogus Documents or Unanswered Questions?†Lee Speigel, AolNews, April 18, 2011, AOLNews.com.
“Was JFK Removed To Prevent UFO Disclosure?†Bill Hamilton, Rense.com, May 1, 2010, Rense.com.
