When paranormal investigators harm each other

When paranormal investigators harm each other
August 22, 2009
Cheri Esperon

Paranormal Unity, if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had been a ghost hunter, it would have been his dream. Maybe it would have gone a little something like this:
“I have a dream that one day in the halls of Waverly the sons of TAPS fans and the sons of PRS fans will be able to hunt ghosts together…
…And when this happens, when we allow Unity to occur, when we let it ring from every cemetery and every haunted house, from every asylum and every lighthouse, we will be able to speed up that day when all of the paranormal community, ghost hunters and psychics, scientists and clergy, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Ray Parker Jr Song, "I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts!”

But the sad reality is that Paranormal Unity is a long way away. Right now simple respect and human decency needs to be the call. I recently talked about how some were trespassing and destroying property in the so-called name of ghost hunting. But there is an even more disgusting trend. While many are reaching out to others in an effort to build relationships, share information, and advance the field; there are predators among them. Predators who prey on the trust and civility of others.

The stories you are about to read are true, identifying information has been omitted to protect the innocent, but they are all true, as told to me by the victims themselves:

NOTE: Please visit the website to read the rest of the article in its entirety.
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