Your Worst Nightmare
Your Worst Nightmare
Soul Smack
(Website includes trailer for documentary on sleep paralysis)
1.2 BILLION people have experienced sleep paralysis with a sense of intruder...
If you are a paranormal investigator and are dealing with a sleep-related case, Soul Smack may be able to help. Paul and Andrew have done extensive research into the field of sleep paralysis, and have frequent contact with experts and academics in the field of sleep research. Whether its scientifically explainable sleep paralysis or a true case of supernatural assault, they’ve seen first-hand how each can affect an individual. Unless you have studied this phenomena as intensely as they have, it may be hard to tell the difference
If you would like consultation from Soul Smack regarding a sleep-related case of paranormal phenomena, please contact them using the contact page. All contact will be held in the strictest of confidence, and there is no fee for this service. Paul and Andrew simply want to help investigators recognize the difference something medical and something malevolent.
