
The Paranormal Directory
UFOs. Aliens and Religion


Might Extraterrestrial Intelligence Sway Religious Beliefs

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The discovery of extraterrestrial life might not shake people's faith in their religious beliefs, but it could lead them to wonder if Jesus Christ had incarnations on alien planets, scientists READ MORE

God an alien? Author thinks so

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God an alien? Author thinks so October 10, 2010 Isaac Bailey The Sun News Scientists believe they have found a planet that can sustain life, though it would take us tens of thousands of years READ MORE

Close Encounters of the Sacred Kind

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Close Encounters of the Sacred Kind October 1, 2010 Lee Spiegel AOL News (Oct. 1) -- A group of people has a mass sighting of a huge, airborne glowing object that follows them for many miles a READ MORE

UFO Disclosure 2010: The Vatican's Key Role

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UFO Disclosure 2010: The Vatican's Key Role April 13, 2010 by Kelly Jad'on Basil and Spice Psalm 19 (1):"The heavens declare the glory of God." Why is the Vatican supporting the idea READ MORE

UFO Exposure 2010: Fallen Angels And The Protestants

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UFO Exposure 2010: Fallen Angels And The Protestants April 25, 2010 By Kelly Jad'on Basil & Spice “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit thei READ MORE

Is A New Spirituality Inspired by UFOs?

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Is A New Spirituality Inspired by UFOs? December 8, 2009 by Michael Cohen UFO Digest Many describe witnessing a UFO as a profoundly spiritual experience and support groups are being establishe READ MORE

Vatican looks to heavens for signs of alien life

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Vatican looks to heavens for signs of alien life November 10, 2009 By ARIEL DAVID Yahoo! News VATICAN CITY – E.T. phone Rome. Four hundred years after it locked up Galileo for challenging th READ MORE
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