10 great haunted places across the USA
10 great haunted places across the USA
August 13, 2010
USA Travel
It's Friday the 13th, a date that strikes terror in the hearts of the superstitious. So why not seize the day by visiting somep
5 Most Haunted Cemeteries In New England
5 Most Haunted Cemeteries In New England
Jan 13, 2010
Steven Cummings
New England has some of the oldest and creepiest cemeteries in the country. Many of them are reportedly haunted. Li
America's Most Haunted Cities, A Closer Look
America's Most Haunted Cities, A Closer Look
October 6, 2009
By Carly Milne
Digital City
If you're one of those Halloween enthusiasts that takes it to the hilt, perhaps you're planning a trip
The Niche Market of Haunted Home
The Niche Market of Haunted Home
December 28, 2010
Paranormal Utopia
Many states have laws that require a home’s seller to disclose the nature of any paranormal activity that has occurred in